View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you
hohum - 2009-05-23

Thank you Penelope for your kind reply. Turnoi, I thought that you were a reasonable person. What Frey did has a lot to do with this If he was upfront to begin with this would not have gone so far as it has. To say what you did about me when you don't even know who I am well your true colours are showing I guess. You will only encourage Frey into doing something that is going to get his ass in jail and then deported He is married to a Chinese woman and cannot afford to be deported. His council will only ruin his marriage and life. Think before you tell people to do things that may put them into a boat load of trouble just for your sense of justice. Dream is not bankrupt and they are paying me thank you very much. Did you get the part where I said they are trying to contact Frey but he is not replying. They want to bring this to a fair conclusion and what you are suggesting will only exacerbate the situation. I do not appreciate your attack on my person. I to am a preacher and your conduct is not proper in any sense of the work. I hope that you will take what I have said into consideration and realize that this situation is much bigger than you may have considered. Frey contact me and arrange for your stuff to be given to me like I said and lets get this thing over with. I am waiting for your reply. You know how to contact me. Turnoi, stop pouring gas on the fire. You are only making thins worse for Frey and others involved.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you -- Penelope -- 2009-05-22
Re: Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you -- hohum -- 2009-05-23
Re: Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you -- Penelope -- 2009-05-23
Re: Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you -- eflfree -- 2009-05-22
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