View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China
Jeffrey Christenson - 2009-05-23

This is a dishonest organization from the top, all the way through. Their general policy is to lie about nearly everything to staff and students. You cannot trust what they tell you. I urge teachers to stay away.

I worked for them for 2 years. I stayed so long for reasons other than the quality of the school. Since I left the school the situation has gone downhill and fast due to new management.


8 hours per day in the school, no exceptions.

5 FULL HOUR classes per day

ZERO break between class times resulting in up to 4 CONSECUTIVE HOURS OF TEACHING

Ages in one class ranging from 5-55 (nuff said?)

Formal dress code

Christmas Day as a working day unless it's your usual day off

No bonuses paid nor gifts given for Chinese nor western holidays (really no personal attention whatsoever)

Managers with unclear powers and responsibilities. Basically you don't know who to please nor who to go to for help. This is for sure, the management does not have your back in any situation. You will need others to have your back to protect you from management.

They didn't have a staff meeting in the 2 years I worked there. I was told that the new manager held a meeting simply to state her new policies of iron fist rule.

Children's English Corner:

A free talk class which is open to be attended by children ranging in age from 5-12. There is no level requirement, and the children often cannot speak nor understand almost any English at all. There is no material provided as it is meant to be a free talk. The number of students could be as high as 40. If you have any experience in ESL this should frighten you. If you have no experience, just trust me that it's hell.

Adult "A" level English Corner:

A free talk class which is open to be attended by children over 12 and adults, lower than "BG" (beginner) level. As stated lower than beginner means that they can't really converse in English at all. Again there is no material provided and it is expected that the class be a free talk. Again trust me that it's hell.

English Corner:

A free talk class which is open to be attended by students over the age of 12. Levels range from beginner to advanced. The school considers it a free talk class but now requires power point presentations. Topics must be discussed regardless of the student's interest. The teachers have been warned not to deviate from topic nor to ever arrive to class without a topic and simply "free talk" (what I did for my 2 years).

Witty History:

-withheld from my pay the damage deposit for my apartment. I lived in the apartment for 1 year and DAMAGED NOTHING! I have confirmed knowledge of two teachers having lived there before me, and I suspect there could have been many others. There was no inspection done upon my arrival and no inspection done after I had moved out. The claim of damage was "missing door." I can only give you the reader my word that I did not remove a door.

-Wrote into the contracts of at least 2 teachers that they would not be required to teach children, and then disregarded that clause completely.

-Told teachers one teaching location from abroad, and changed it upon their arrival.

-Withheld the contract completion bonus from a teacher of 2 years because they arranged for him to fall 2 weeks short of completing his contract

-Held the passport of a teacher they considered a flight risk

-Attempted to charge many months of expenses ahead of time to another teacher they considered a flight risk

Under the previous management they were tolerable although unreliable. Under the new management they are simply one of the horror story schools.

Messages In This Thread
Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- Jeffrey Christenson -- 2009-05-23
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- Professor C -- 2013-10-29
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- mike gosciejew -- 2009-06-18
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- Tom -- 2009-09-05
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- The Looks -- 2009-08-15
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- Jeffrey Christenson -- 2009-06-19
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- Ben Watson -- 2009-09-26
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin Huite, Tianjin, China -- Jeff -- 2009-09-27
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