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kevin - 2009-06-13
In response to Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School (Raoul Duke)

Just a head's up Raoul. One of your newest members, "pork dumpling" I believe is his moniker is the selfsame "StephanieB" that stirred up things here. Now a few actually believe that he is a she and that's fine but I honestly can't wait to follow his missives on your site later this summer as he's said is coming. He's been on another popular site (Dave's ESLcafe) under 4 or 5 different names playing the same misleading games, then getting booted. Good luck with him and have a great summer everyone (yes, even you guys: Silverboy, Turino, Turnoi)! The school year is ending soon and I'm off to a little summer camp and then a 6 week holiday. I'm sure I'll be checking in on these sites, but this is pretty much it from my end. I've said and responded and defended pretty much everything I can. The personal jabs and insults are taken with a certain *sigh!* - - I mean what are you gonna do, really? If I were to ever meet one of these yahoos face to face, I can almost guarantee you they wouldn't be nearly so bold as the anonymous internet allows them to be. I still enjoy my school and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere soon regardless of a few rantings (often from the exact same person with a variety of aliases) of ex-employees. I'm sure our Mr. StephanieB will land the perfect job for himself - one that will fit him to a T - and will soon be devoting his energies to that. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in THAT school! :) But it's time for this chapter to end. Have fun everyone and thanks to those that, if not actually sticking up for the school where I'm happily employed, at least know what's what when it comes to some of the rants on this and other message boards. Adieu! Adios! Zaijian!

And my real name truly IS . . . Kevin ;)

Messages In This Thread
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Gingermeggs -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-12
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- kevin -- 2009-06-13
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- teacher@sfls -- 2009-06-13
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Kevin -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- teacher@sfls -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-16
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Mianbao -- 2009-06-18
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Kevin -- 2009-06-17
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- ifyoureadukeimaking -- 2009-06-18
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Kevin -- 2009-06-17
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-24
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Goldengirl -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Gingermeggs -- 2009-06-12
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Coppercat -- 2009-06-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Coppercat -- 2009-06-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-23
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-11
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- another element to consider -- Theo -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- another element to consider -- Turino -- 2009-06-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- another element to consider -- Gingermeggs -- 2009-06-12
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