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Kevin - 2009-06-13
In response to Suzhou Foreign Language School, Suzhou, China (StephanieB)

Hey look everyone! It's our very own "StephaineB" over at Raoul's China Saloon (only now he's going under the "pork dumpling" moniker. Guess the whole French farce grew tiring!):

Here's the link:

Dear Friends,

This school is decidedly an avoid-at-all costs. I am very, very, very inclined to accept everything that has been written here at face value, except for the postings of one manager of this school, whose post should be treated with the utmost circumspection. Later in the summer I will set out all of the details in their full, horrific glory.

For the meantime, just avoid it. There are many other jobs to be had in China.


Please note the syntax is exactly the same as our own beloved StephanieB. It will be interesting if he tries to still say he is a French female. It will also be interesting to see how many more new, outrageous stories he can come up with or maybe just repost what he has put here with some new spins and exaggerations on it. Boy, Singapore, Suzhou, Shanghai, the South of France, Harbin . . . this guy gets around!

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