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Benjamin Taylor - 2009-06-15
In response to Re: English in Action, Slovakia (gaidysozys)

In response to MR or MS XXXXX,

Reading all of your communications with David, you said that you would be in Slovakia and would meet him at his location, so that is probably why he told you he is close to the centre. Also it is normal for schools to call potential candidates, and as schools work with budgets it is also normal for them to ask for a land line number to reach you on, as land line to land line calls are cheaper than international mobile to mobile calls. Also when you search for the management of most schools very little comes up, these people are not celebrities, if you searched on google for the branch manager of Barclays Bank in Huddersfield, how much information would you get?

As for Derek, well I can understand his concern, I have been in and out of central Europe for several years, pretty much every school even much bigger ones pay in cash, unless the teacher wants to go and set up an account at his own expense, the two accounts I have had in Slovakia and the Czech Rep have proven to be a waste of money. I am not saying he was wrong to turn down the chance, but I can say I have worked for about 8 schools in the area, including English in Action, and my time with English in Action was one of my favourable experiences. Firstly the guy who pays, David, travels the country to meet his teachers and give them their wages. Teachers work a month in hand, so lets set the record straight Derek, my friend. If you begin on May the 14th, your salary for May (14th to last working day) is given to you in cash or through the bank, no later than the 20th of June, I worked in Berlitz a few years ago, began on the first of October and my first pay came in December. I will happily discuss with you the failings of the school and its problems (and other schools I've been with), but I don't wish to sit here and read nonsense about it. He also has never (from what I know about) failed to reimburse a single travel ticket. The lack of contracts probably comes from his background, he worked as a teacher for many years for different schools without one, but a colleague asked for one and got one straight away. I can't speak for the other people, but my experiences were great.

Sure sometimes the accommodation was a little bit dissappointing, but the next week it was fantastic. They are up front about the shortcomings of the job, they are up front about the short comings of the program. Derek when every week you have a different set of kids, a different level of ability and different ages, how can you have one set curriculum?

To the other person who criticised life in Slovakia, obviously you know little about the actual market, and your racial remark maybe somes you up quite well. Slovakia is no Czech Republic, its no Poland, its no Germany and its certainly no China, but there are jobs here offering good conditions for the area, yes for the area. Earning 600 euros a month with free accommodation will allow you a very good life in Slovakia, and neighbouring countries (Austria the exception). Its true that most work can be found either in Bratislava or Kosice, but there are good schools available.

Now, unlike some people on these pages I wont hide behind names and I will leave my mail, if you wish to ask me about the job, do so. It is if you wish to ask me about other schools in the area then also please do so.

So, basically, everyone, you have to make your own choices, I don't know why some people post messages here when they have no knowledge, I don't know why others don't read their e mails properly. I only know that I have worked for English in Action and while I am sure there are better companies out there some where, this one will give you a great experience and great local conditions. I, unlike many people here, can compare the program to other schools in Slovakia, and remember if you go to work in Slovakia you can not expect a German salary. All teaching abroad jobs have to be taken in the local context.

Get in touch if you want, reply if you know information, otherwise good luck as teachers and have fun in the world.

Messages In This Thread
English in Action, Slovakia -- Nickole Laird -- 2009-03-26
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- Sam Bennetts -- 2011-06-24
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- unhappy -- 2011-07-06
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- Geri Solomon -- 2016-03-12
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Gen -- 2009-11-02
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Derek -- 2009-05-07
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- gaidysozys -- 2009-04-07
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Benjamin Taylor -- 2009-06-15
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