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Jerome - 2009-06-16

"I suggest that the next time you go home you take a course in the basics of human communication and then come back."

That's an extremely petty response, Turnoi. What respect I did have for you is quickly waning, but thanks for suggesting that I come back; I wouldn't have been surprised if you had told me to stay home. As for the "basics of human communication," it may interest you to know that my first degree is in Interpersonal Speech Communication. I'm not surprised that you are unable to discern that, though, since you're still struggling with the basics of English discourse, which is starkly revealed by your inability to answer the simplest of questions posed to you.

"Are those who have received death threat from Tianshuo mafia "exacerbating" the problem?
You must be kidding. No wonder that some readers do not really take you seriously."

What would lead you to come to such a ridiculous conclusion regarding my position on the Tianshuo situation? Well, as usual you won't answer that direct inquiry; therefore, it begs the question, why do I even bother asking? Obviously, though, you're going to milk the Tianshou situation for all it's worth, aren't you?
Some readers do not really take me seriously. Boo hoo, cry me a river, Turnoi, but isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black? Believe me, your posts are not as well received as your overactive imagination would have you believe.

You need to take a lesson from Silverboy. Even when he totally disagrees with someone, he generally takes the time to seriously reflect on what has been written before replying. He also makes an attempt to find common ground. But for you it's all black and white. If it's not your way, you suggest the highway. Okay, I have a suggestion for you. Don't make yourself out to be anything more than what you are. Very few readers are taken in by your grandiose ideas of who you think you are; least of all, me.

Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.
John Locke

I would say that you're fairly well educated and fairly well read.; however, as for good company, I have no experience with the company of crocodiles, so I can't comment on that. As for reflection, well, it's obvious, you've got a long way to go on that side of things because it's pretty obvious that you don't have a clue about how to be a gentleman. Ask Silverboy for help on that reflection thing. I'm sure you and he could do a trade of some kind.................

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Re: Employment is Not that Bad in China - Turino -- Jerome -- 2009-06-16
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