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Kevin - 2009-06-17
In response to Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School (Raoul Duke)

Raoul, you and others on this site (and your own precious self-named site) wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the butt! All you can say over and over (and over!) is that you've talked with "many, many, many" former SFLS teachers and they've all had negative complaints about this school. How many is "many" exactly? 3? 5? 20? 100? Give us a ballpark figure why don't you? Also, where exactly does all this commiserating take place? Some smoky, seedy, bar somewhere with a couple of pool tables in the back I'm guessing. The more you drank with your new-found ex-SFLS buddies, the more elaborate those stories probably got. To date, I've read 4 comments on another site from 4 disgruntled ex-teachers and then one ex-teacher who doesn't even have the courage to come out and speak under his real name. He is well-known among the EFL message board communities for fanning the flames time after time, moving from one job to another (as well as one message board to another) after getting, shall we say ANNOYED, with a school, and can't be satisfied with any teaching scenario. He thinks of himself as a senior teacher who can't learn any new teaching tricks. Once he gets so pissed off that he can't see straight, he quits in a huff and starts the cycle all over again. So I guess those that have complained to Raoul don't have enough courage (or ammunition) to come onto the Saloon themselves (or even here) to plead their case (and my guess is that if they did, it would sound somewhat petty and hollow - - wahhh! The school took taxes out of my salary! wahhh! The school made me work a Saturday to make up for a holiday! wahhh! The school didn't allow me to call in sick for the 12th time because I was hungover!). All Raoul can do (as he's admitted he's never actually worked for this school) is troll out 2nd and 3rd hand gossip. He must be quick to believe anyone that will buy him a beer I guess!

Here are the facts (tying in with the half dozen or more threads that our 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse of this message board have started or have vastly contributed to {Turnoi, Turino, Silverboy and I guess Raoul now makes number 4}):

1. SFLS is NOT a language center in the lines of WEB or EF - - it is a fully accredited K-12 school with the teaching of English as only one part of its vast curriculum. It is called Suzhou FOREIGN LANGUAGE school because there are indeed many courses being taught in English as well as having students from Korea and other non-Chinese speaking countries attending.

2. It is highly regarded amongst people that matter in Suzhou and elsewhere (NOT churlish, combative EFL message board members), so I think the snide and snippy remarks made here don't matter a whit to them. So keep on keeping on everyone.

3. Many (many?) teachers that have left in a huff and then shared their story over a pitcher or eight of beer with Raoul are, in all likelihood, the kind of teachers that SFLS wouldn't want to continue teaching there in the first place. You know the kind, right Raoul? Those that have an eye for the pretty YOUNG girls or who like to booze it up every night and/or for whom the party life is much more important than a professional (or even semi-professional) teaching job. Disco dancing anyone?

4. I'm sure these threads here and on Raoul's site (that's Raoul's China Saloon for those of you that may have happened to miss it) may scare off a handful of teachers, but like another certain poster opined, most China FTs don't even bother with these boards, lucky for them.

5. SFLS is NOT perfect! *gasp!* Can't believe I said that? It's true. I've stated this elsewhere and I'll say it again. They make mistakes, they certainly don't give respect to teachers that don't earn it or deserve it and I'm sure they piss off teachers. I get ticked off, but I also learn how to go with the flow and, you know, GET OVER IT! They are not abusive, corrupt, or mismanaged. They have fired Chinese staff whom they thought were doing a poor job in their managerial duties. But they ARE a Chinese school and that's the way it is here. Good luck Turino or Turnoi or whomever is trying to change the whole system on the way things work around here - - maybe it will happen in your next life! But SFLS' main goal is to further the education of the students, get as many of them as possible into college or send them abroad. Once they've done their job and those high school kids have grown wings and fly away, they start in on the next batch. If a poor, down-trodden foreign teacher can't cope or can't adjust or can't learn to work within THEIR system (and this is true for all schools all around the world), then that teacher needs to get out and move on. If they choose to meet in a bar somewhere and grouse to Raoul about it so be it. Have a good time boys and girls!

6. Here are some facts about me - - although why do I even bother as everyone just hands-down believes the 4 Horsemen, right? Yes, back in my 20s I worked for and managed a Pizza Hut. Hallelujah! Anyone else out there have another job before they became a teacher? Then, during my late 20s/early 30s, I went to a local university and earned a teaching degree in ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (not Biology and Chemistry - another PM from "StephanieB" to one of the horsemen that went awry I imagine) and graduated Summa Cum Laude (sorry, there has been so much horseshit flung my way, I thought I deserved to pat myself on the back a bit). I actually worked various other odd jobs while getting that degree; is that alright with you Horsemen? Then I worked several years in the education field in the USA (not Canada, not that I have anything against Canadians, eh?) before coming to China. I worked two years in Hangzhou in another private school teaching the ever-popular "Spoken English". There were horror stories from that school to be sure, but you know what I did? I showed up to work every day, lesson plans and materials at the ready, I finished my contract nice and neat, and then I moved on. While I was there I met some very nice FTs, CTs, and students, some of whom I even keep in contact with to this day. Sure there were people there I didn't get on with, but so what? I MOVED ON!

Then I came to Suzhou and SFLS and it's been a match made in heaven since. I teach 4-5 classes a day in various Language Arts categories, Math, Science, etc. This year, the principal invited me to help keep our ever-growing international department organized. I DON'T hire and fire people (contrary to what Raoul said on his site), I DON'T set down policy, and I have no input on contractual issues concerning other teachers. If you think the contract stinks - - - DON'T SIGN IT and DON'T WORK THERE! Easy enough? I also don't set tuition fees. For my department, the tuition is higher to, yes, pay the higher salaries of the FTs but to also help offset the costs of expensive imported textbooks and the other many costs involved in running this department. Besides teaching, I help set the curriculum for my department, order supplies (such as art supplies) and textbooks and other teaching materials. I commiserate with the other FTs when they have frustrations and I help observe new teachers (whether they like it or not, right "StephanieB"?) and give feedback to them and to the department head. It doesn't mean I'm a better teacher than a new hire, it just means I've been around for four years and know the curriculum and know what a new teacher should be privvy to AT THIS SCHOOL in order for them to hopefully do their job well. SFLS treats me and other GOOD, SOLID, DEPENDABLE teachers on their payroll very nicely; sorry to disappoint some of you that can't seem to find that one nice job and stick with it. They are generous with salary and benefits, give me a nice home off-campus to live in, and are very cooperative in most aspects. The minor inconveniences or annoyances are far outweighed by the positives. Believe me, you defenders of the SFLS castoffs, I can spot a teacher who can't quite cut the mustard usually in the first couple of weeks. I bet you could too but you're too busy defending people you don't even know and railing against schools you've never even visited. I'm willing to work with them and we do try to help them (that's where the whole observing and feedback part comes in) because not everyone actually knows how to teach from an established curriculum. But if they don't accept the help or try to figure out their jobs and try to deflect their poor job performance by complaining about taxes or living quarters or whatever, well my sympathy quickly dries up. It's amazing how a few on this (and other) message board will immediately spring up and defend anyone with a sniffle. Please, do us all a favor and get over yourselves! I would imagine of the 19-20 teachers that are hired every year by SFLS (and even more next term!) that 25% sign a new contract with the school, 25% leave not due to being angry with the school, but because they just want to leave, 25% may have hit some sour notes but not enough for them to rant on message boards, and 25% go to Raoul and complain about the school - - of those 25%, maybe 2-3 find a message board to post on about their displeasure of perceived slights against them. Just as SFLS is not a perfect school, none of these teachers are perfect as well.

7. SFLS is not way out in the boonies as Raoul continues to post again and again like it's his personal mantra. It is surrounded by any and all conveniences within a very short bus or taxi or bike ride or even walking distance in some cases. The western part of Suzhou has built up around this school. Raoul is still living in 2001 or something I guess when perhaps this school was known for being in the sticks. If you don't believe me, come to Suzhou, hop on one of the many buses that travel by this school and evaluate for yourself. STOP BEING A GUPPY AND JUST TAKING SOMEONE ELSE'S WORD FOR EVERYTHING YOU READ. Sure, it's not near the east side where all the cool expat bars are and I know that's more important for some (the bars, not their jobs) so I guess those that have that item on the top of their list SHOULD find a school that's nearer to Shi Quan street or wherever. More power to you.

In closing, I'm sure in a few days, once the school term has ended, we may actually see a couple more former SFLS teachers dip their toe in this pool or we may hear from Raoul again on how he's talked with yet even more teachers and they have yet even more horror stories to tell. I think that would be just swell. Barkeep! Another round please! *buuurrrppp!*

Messages In This Thread
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Gingermeggs -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-12
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- kevin -- 2009-06-13
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- teacher@sfls -- 2009-06-13
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Kevin -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- teacher@sfls -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-16
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Mianbao -- 2009-06-18
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Kevin -- 2009-06-17
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- ifyoureadukeimaking -- 2009-06-18
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Kevin -- 2009-06-17
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-24
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Goldengirl -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Gingermeggs -- 2009-06-12
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Coppercat -- 2009-06-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Coppercat -- 2009-06-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-23
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-11
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Turino -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- another element to consider -- Theo -- 2009-06-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- another element to consider -- Turino -- 2009-06-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- another element to consider -- Gingermeggs -- 2009-06-12
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