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Michelle - 2009-06-17

Not entirely correct Peter...I taught off and on at Owen College since I started with Buckland Group in 2005 (I worked at another Buckland school during the semester and worked here during every semester break). I was working here in October 2005, February 2006, June/July/August 2006 and January/February 2007. I was here when C left and V took over. Shortly after I went to another Buckland school for a few months and came back (permanently) at the beginning of May 2007, at which point B&B (bed & breakfast LOL) had been officially managing the college for 3 months. So in effect, I HAVE been working for Owen College for 3 and half years albeit only in short stints during the first 18 months.
As I mentioned before, I was working here full-time at the time of the "incident" referred to by the previous poster and I did witness it so my prior college employment dates are a non-issue. I didn't see any need to go into full detail in my previous post. Anyway, if you are the Peter I think you are, where are you now? If you still have my email address we should catch up - so much has happened since you left...

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