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watcheronacastironbalcony - 2009-06-19

''(He's also, of course, the Kev7161 who's such a ray of sunshine at Dave's ESL Cafe, and the Kevin who was so wildly popular at a Dongguan summer camp a few years ago...) ''

It seems that you do not like individuals who are popular....probably, that is because you are unable to get along with others,

It would seem that the IQ of this board's participants is quite low. The quote above positively reeks of irony, but the "andiquote" poster believes it...literally! And so does the poster "ditherpiddlepaddle".
I've been reading the posts here for a few days now, with much enjoyment. The rhetoric is amazing, the jokes are amusing, and the logic displayed is mind-boggling. It becomes blindingly obvious after a while that some posters are outright playground bullies, in that they revert to name-calling and threats, as soon as another poster bests them. Wild generalisations are used as facts to make dubious accusations. I would include quotes to illustrate my points, but the machinery of this system makes this too difficult to bother with. Needless to say, there are many quotes that could be used.
Sme poster likened other posters to the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. I prefer to think of them as Don Quixote, Sancho Panza and Rocinante. Much more amusing picture. I'll leave it to yourselves to decide who is what!
Keep posting, people, keep me informed, and amused. Teaching in China sounds like fun.
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