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Turino - 2009-06-20
In response to Re: Suzzhou Foreign Language "School" and Kevin, the manager (watcheronacastironbalcony)

Date: 19 June 2009 In Response To: Re: Suzzhou Foreign Language "School" and Kevin, the manager (andiquote)

''(He's also, of course, the Kev7161 who's such a ray of sunshine at Dave's ESL Cafe, and the Kevin who was so wildly popular at a Dongguan summer camp a few years ago...) ''


It seems that you do not like individuals who are popular....probably, that is because you are unable to get along with others,

It would seem that the IQ of this board's participants is quite low. The quote above positively reeks of irony, but the "andiquote" poster believes it...literally!

watcheronacastironbalcony,come on now,please be fair.Don't tar all your fellow posters on this board with the same brush.I for one understood that the post that had incorporated the expressions 'ray of sunshine' and 'wildly popular' was very ironic.I'd reckon you and I wouldn't be the only two posters on this board with at least a modicum of savvy.Judging by his (or her) comprehension ability,'andiquote' is certainly not the brightest bulb in the department store.

Please allow me to take the liberty to amend your post on behalf of this board's posters,right?

It would seem that the IQ of some of this board's participants,certainly excluding you and I,is quite low.In spite of this,or because of this,they've managed to concoct some posts that are hilarious.

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