Jerome - 2009-06-20

"I mean really, don't you trainined center lackies ever learn? We are quite "discerning" actually, and we FT's know when your trying to pull a fast one. People we have never seen before, suddenly showing up to champion your overwhelmed cause, is almost always that same person posting under another name."

Really? I've been a fairly regular visitor to this site for quite some time now, and haven't noticed that it happens as often as you seem to think. In fact, off the top of my head, I can't think of a time when it has happened. Can you provide an example, please? And, by the way, what is an "overwhelmed cause?" "People............. is.................." That's pretty interesting, also. "FT's know...." Does that mean that FTs are somehow possessed of know. I'm getting quite confused. What is a "trainined center?" What's a "lackie?" Do you believe I own a trying? I mean, after all, you've written "your trying," so that must mean I have a trying in my possession.

Clearly, DPP, you have something important to add to this thread; I'm just having difficulty figuring out exactly what that is.

No, I don't work at a training center. I work at a university. I don't do marketing for training centers. I'm not a marketer. I don't write under another name to support my own posts; therefore, I'm not Kevin. However, although I've never met Kevin, I do admire him because he's not letting you guys push him around or alter his position which he supports quite well. If I weren't gainfully and satisfyingly employed at this particular university, I would consider working where he's working. Of course I would research it thoroughly by visiting the school and talking personally with teachers currently employed there. I wouldn't, however, allow you and your naysaying friends to dissuade me in the slightest, as you have proven yourselves incapable of anything but a judgmental attitude based on little or no evidence, other than past experiences with other training centers and the onerous posts of certain teachers whose believability should be questioned.

Messages In This Thread
DPP -- Jerome -- 2009-06-20

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