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watcheronacastironbalcony - 2009-06-22

watcheronacastironbalcony,come on now,please be fair.Don't tar all your
fellow posters on this board with the same brush.Absolutely! Alas, it
seems as though I have caught "sweepinggeneralizationitis" after only
one post. Such an insidious disease!
However, your amendment...(It would seem that the IQ of some of this
board's participants,certainly excluding you and I,is quite low.In spite
of this,or because of this,they've managed to concoct some posts that
are hilarious. ) is not quite to my liking. Perhaps we could simply
settle for this..(It would seem that the IQ of some of this board's
participants is quite low.)
You also neglected to single out the poster "ditheringsomewhat" who
wrote...(Oh please, this is Kevin posting about himself and giving
himself a good review at some obscure summer camp)
That is so worthy of a mention in your dimly-lit department store.
It pleases me that you were so quick to point out that you saw the irony
in the first place, because subtle irony is very difficult to read,
sometimes, and I can understand that not all readers are good readers.
Now that the irony has been pointed out, will we have an influx of
"me-tooism" posts?

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