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Turino - 2009-06-23
In response to Re: Suzzhou Foreign Language "School" and Kevin, the manager (watcheronacastironbalcony)

It would seem that the IQ of this board's participants is quite low. The quote above positively reeks of irony, but the "andiquote" poster believes it...literally!

watcheronacastironbalcony,come on now,please be fair.Don't tar all your fellow posters on this board with the same brush.Absolutely! Alas, it seems as though I have caught "sweepinggeneralizationitis" after only
one post. Such an insidious disease!

Ah well,your initial quote would neceesarily have to include you,as you had become one of this board's participants by posting said post.I didn't want you to tar yourself with the same brush inadvertently.That said,said disease is acceptable only if we're not discussing serious matters.I think it depends on the context.No doubt,I too suffer from said disease periodically according to wgheteher the discussuion is of a light-hearted nature,such as this one.

However, your amendment...(It would seem that the IQ of some of this board's participants,certainly excluding you and I,is quite low.In spite of this,or because of this,they've managed to concoct some posts that
are hilarious. ) is not quite to my liking. Perhaps we could simply settle for this..(It would seem that the IQ of some of this board's participants is quite low.)

The qualification re 'you and I' is of course unnecessary - it was meant to be a joke!I'll settle for your amended version.

You also neglected to single out the poster "ditheringsomewhat" who wrote...(Oh please, this is Kevin posting about himself and giving himself a good review at some obscure summer camp)That is so worthy of a mention in your dimly-lit department store.

Ah,well.The damning evidence re "ditheringsomewhat" was not part of your initial post.So I was not prepared to lump him together with that other misreader of posts.But now that the evidence has been provided,I'd be obliged to do so.

It pleases me that you were so quick to point out that you saw the irony in the first place, because subtle irony is very difficult to read, sometimes, and I can understand that not all readers are good readers. Now that the irony has been pointed out, will we have an influx of "me-tooism" posts?

Actually,I wasn't so quick to point it out in the first place as I was posting about issues that I felt were more important at that time.I doubt we'll see an influx of me-tooism posts re irony.I suspect your statements I've quoted directly above are ironic in themselves.

I hope you're still enjoying the board.Certainly,I am.Adios.

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