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znarf akfak - 2009-06-27

"It is unfair and dishonest what you did - perhaps you have learned that from those dishonest Chinese people that you must be around with each day."

Case in point,Turnoi. Is it possible that you have provided an excellent example of incendiary response?

"Next time, you better use your own words and brain. You should not use what other people have said and be misquoting them out of real context when your own brain is empty!"

This is even more inflammatory. Inquiries often work better than accusations. Try this: I may be mistaken, but it looks as though you've neglected to use your own powers of reasoning in this instance. Wouldn't you agree? Moreover, haven't you quoted out of context?

Accusing someone of being empty brained only suggests that you want to argue rather than focus on the issue at hand. In addition, if you actually feel that they are empty brained, why bother debating with them in the first place?

"Got it????!"

Wouldn't you agree, Turnoi, that this is a confrontational question/statement that only serves to steer the conversation away from any meaningful discourse?


Another example. The above quote taken from the first line of that person's post shows that the poster wastes no time or words when launching an attack. That's his style. However, who would bother reading further when a post begins with language such as this? Face to face, such words would only elicit a response such as, "Them's fightin' words!" No agreement could ever be reached in this situation, nor could either party be bothered with simply stating that they misspoke or made a mistake.

"....not worthy of a response...."
znarf akfak

Yes, even I can stray away from my own advice. I can admit it. But still, I think it's better than what could have been said. Such as what one might expect of some writers in this forum: Your response was so idiotic, that I couldn't be bothered to reply. But okay, I could have been a little less abrasive than I actually was. But it does prove my point. If you're attacked, the natural impulse is to attack back. Yet, it is our challenge as educated teachers to fight such impulses. Of course we fail. We're human, after all.

And, on a lighter note, as my father used to say, "People have more fun than anybody." I don't know, though; maybe some of us find playground antics more enjoyable than mature debate.

Messages In This Thread
flame fanning -- znarf akfak -- 2009-06-27
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- JN -- 2009-06-27
Re: Use of Words Matters -- znarf akfak -- 2009-06-28
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