Turino - 2009-06-30
In response to Re: JN (Jerome aka groveling weasel)

Where I come from,a probationary period in a contract is one-way.It's the employer who has placed the employee on probation.The employee has no right to place the employer on probation!I should know as I served a mandatory probationary period of two years provisionally registered as a secondary school teacher of mathematics in my homeland before being granted full registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland.Two-way probationary periods,don't make me laugh,maybe in Cloud Cuckoo Land!If the teacher wishes to resign,he simply gives one month's written notice.No need for him (or her) to put the employer on probation!The employer pays hard cash for the work done by the employees,so the former holds all the aces.Get real!

Messages In This Thread
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Are You Thinking of Teaching in China? -- 2009-06-26
Re: JN -- tatsuospirit -- 2009-07-03
Re: JN -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-28
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- JN -- 2009-06-28
Re: JN -- Raoul Duke -- 2009-06-28
The Classics! -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2009-06-29
Re: The Classics! -- Macho Fan -- 2009-06-29
Re: JN -- Turino -- 2009-06-29
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- JN -- 2009-06-29
Re: JN -- Jerome aka groveling weasel -- 2009-06-29
Re: JN -- Turino -- 2009-06-30
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- JN -- 2009-06-30
Re: JN -- Jerome -- 2009-06-30
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- JN -- 2009-06-30
Re: JN -- Jerome -- 2009-07-01
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- JN -- 2009-07-01
Re: JN -- Jerome -- 2009-07-02
Re: JN -- Turino -- 2009-07-01
Re: JN -- Jerome -- 2009-07-01
Re: JN -- Turino -- 2009-06-29
Re: JN -- Jerome aka groveling weasel -- 2009-06-30
Re: JN -- Turino -- 2009-06-30
Re: JN -- Jerome -- 2009-06-30
Re: JN -- Turino -- 2009-06-30
Re: JN -- Jerome -- 2009-06-30
Re: JN -- HireEd -- 2009-06-27

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