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Joker - 2009-07-16

This is further to my earlier post regarding this agent, Steven Guo. I and the other teacher suspect, that he was also scamming the school. Why?, because of the books, the school bought on his recommendation. These books were laughable, I've never seen, so many errors in them, as I have. They must have originally been in Chinese print but when they were translated into English, even the best of the Chinese teachers, thought they were a joke. I suspect that the school caught on and refused to pay him and we got caught up in this mess and there must have been, some fast wheeling and dealing there.

Turning to another incident in Luo he, Henan. There is another colleague of mine who worked in a high school there, he was owed, 10,000 yuan by the school. When his contract ended, he still was not paid by the school, he threatened to go to the police, the school, somehow came up with the money, in quick fashion.
He was from Cameroon and being black, they must have thought, they could use this guy too.

Luo he, Henan, is a backward city, mostly ignorant, uneducated and simple people live there. We may have been the first lao wai, they have ever seen. They must have the most phlegm hawks, I have ever seen living in China. My god, it was just like tip toeing through the phlegm or better yet, the snot or human waste, along the way to get food or have a big Mac. Needless to say, I'm use to this type of activity, as I was in nursing for many years.

Beware of this agent, the high school and the city, do not go there, there's nothing to do there, the sidewalks are rolled up at 9 pm, the only thing that's open 24 hours, is Mac Donald's. Even the hawks are sleeping.

Messages In This Thread
Steven Guo, ZZ -- Joker -- 2009-07-16
Re: Steven Guo, ZZ -- Monitor -- 2009-07-17
Re: Steven Guo, ZZ -- pascal sarkissian -- 2009-07-18
Re: Steven Guo, ZZ -- joker -- 2009-07-17
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- JN -- 2009-07-17
Re: Ill-prepared -- HirEd -- 2009-07-17
Re: Ill-prepared -- tatsuospirit -- 2009-07-18
Re: Ill-prepared -- joker -- 2009-07-17
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