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Frey Mistico - 2009-08-07

Scott or Mr G/ Ji ( he works for a school( I think that he recruits teachers part time by himself and I do not imply that it has anything to do with the school.

Scott gave me part time work in Guangzhou and I worked for him for 2 months. After the first month he paid me my salary but the week before the second month, I turned up to work as usual and noone was there so i called him. He said they no longer required a foreign teacher so I asked him when I could get paid. He told me at the end of the week that I could come to his office and get it.

His office was in Wushan, a long way from the school and my home so he suggested he could pay it into my bank account. It was not paid and I continued to call him, later he did not answer my calls and cut off the call when I used a different phone.

I am still waiting 6 months later.

I am putting this up now to make this scam aware to teachers.

I'm sure he's not the only one who does this. There have been a few recruiters that suggest paying salary into your bank account.

I would suggest always insist on cash for part time work.

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