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Joe Blow - 2009-08-16

I see both sides of this struggle. You want to be legal, but you also want to see what the place is like before really committing. It is a bad situation for FTs cause there are very few options. I came to China on an L, got really screwed by my employer (a woman from my home country who I met before departure), and went through some tough times. I did end up meeting my wife during this time and my current employer who is great. I now teach at one of these prep for foreign study programs (which is great and the teachers are free to be honest of the level of the students). I have a Z Visa, which got me a free trip to HK. I am about to start the second year contract with them.

The point is, both options have their benefits and faults. I would suggest to most to get a Z before coming, but coming on an L does not always end wrong (I wouldn't have my wife or found my current job if I had come on a Z). I would simply say if you come on an L, then make sure you have back-up (funds, family, and/or friends) and your L will be long enough to allow you time to look for a good job. Also, you have to be prepared to go through a rough time of uncertainty. Many people crack in this period. If the job that brings you here on an L sucks, tell them to #### off. You then must be ready to wait it out until you find a good job. If you come on a Z and your job sucks, be ready to stick it out to the end of your contract.

Again, I suggest getting a Z, but I cannot rule out that coming on an L is acceptable.

Messages In This Thread
Contract / Visa after arival, no !!! -- Kai Lamborn -- 2009-08-06
Schools in Jiangsu: No Z visa -- CAT -- 2009-08-07
Re: Schools in Jiangsu: No Z visa -- Steve -- 2009-08-22
Re: Schools in Jiangsu: No Z visa -- BAD ADVICE -- HireEd -- 2009-08-07
Re: Schools in Jiangsu: No Z visa -- BAD ADVICE -- CAT -- 2009-08-10
Re: Contract / Visa after arrival, no !!! -- HireEd -- 2009-08-06
Re: Contract / Visa after arrival, no !!! -- Joe Blow -- 2009-08-16
Re: Contract / Visa after arrival, no !!! -- Chengdu FT -- 2009-08-17
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