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That1Guy - 2009-09-01

Well, I've been reading for some weeks now on the scrutiny of Will-Excel whatever. You all make a good point, and you'd be blind not to see it. However, I have no experience in teaching and a degree in social psychology. To jump to a country I've never been to (in a field I've never worked in, no less) and receive much needed training and experience for (possibly) 200 USD is a huge opportunity. Now, the difference between myself and the naysayers is that I don't succumb to duress and don't find myself in hard spots, so were the unlikely to happen in China it would, all the same, be a wonderful and new experience for me. Furthermore, I'll be applying for the November 2nd class when my passport arrives in about 3 weeks. I spoke with the Dean in order to answer a number of questions and he claimed there were very few slots remaining for sponsored members and I should apply immediately. However, since the application is a joke and clearly designed to make the applicant feel more official, I feel I'll have no problem securing a position once my passport does arrive. If and when I reply to this thread again in a few months you can take my word that its not as a lackey. If I do not, then it is either because I will be replying as a lackey or I've simply forgotten; things are so awesome in the new world I've built for myself and I just don't have the time. The latter is improbable.

As a note, the only question that was dodged when I emailed the dean was the one coherent thing tzenkethi mentioned about the whatever district bureau not actually being aware of Will-Excel stamping certificates with their seal. However, it is a tough question to address, given the only sure answer would involve calling them directly. Too bad I don't speak mandarin yet. That was another thing I thought the class might help me with.

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Re: Opinions of Will-Excel Global? - ESL school review -- That1Guy -- 2009-09-01
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