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Nicholas Kelly - 2009-09-07

I am replying to the offensive, threatening, pornographic, false and misleading information which makes a serious damage to our school and our GMs personal reputation, and still not removed from this web site.
Please take a look to this example:

Message (1) From a potential teacher ( Michael Brothwood) to Mr. David Lawson The Vice Principal Of Cambridge International College Britain.

>>> <> 24/08/2009 16:07 >>>
Dear David Lawson,

We wanted to ask you a question regarding the CITC School in Sudan.
We have read a few complaints about the school online and wondered if
you could clarify whether we should trust the school or not.
Any information you can give us about the school is most appreciated.

Kind regards,

Michael Brothwood


Message (2) From Mr. David Lawson The Vice Principal Of Cambridge International College Britain to Dr. Salah Ahmed the General Manager of CITC Sudan

Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 09:12:07 +0100
Subject: AF1009 attn Dr Salah
Dear Dr Salah,

We have received a strange email from a "Michael Brothwood" asking about CITC and referring to some complaints being made about CITC. Do you know who Michael Brothwood is, and/or why he would make such enquiries? Please let us know as we are expecting to hear again from him soon.


David Lawson

Message (3) From Dr. Salah Ahmed the General Manger of CITC to Mr. David Lawson The Vice Principal Of Cambridge International College Britain 03/09/2009 11:49

Dear Mr. David,

Michael Brothwood and his partner Maria are a British couple supposed to come and teach in CITC.
After signing the contract and issuing of their visas they decided not to come because they read some posting in the internet forums against CITC.

All those negative postings were made by one of our ex teachers whom left CITC unhappy.

This unhappy teacher his name is

Calum J D Sutherland

Nationality British
Gender Male
Home Address (edited by Cambridge International College)

He was working as centre manager in 2005 - 2006 and we have a serious argues with him about many points of his way of managing the centre and he left after I sued him in the court.

He started to use any teachers forum in the internet to post negative things about CITC and against me personally.

We suffered a lot of his posting and I spoked to many of the webmasters of those forum and they removed some of it.

Because of his posting , many of our potential teachers changed their minds and refuse to work for CITC.

One of the main reason why I am coming to London on the 12 of this month is to find a lawyer and start legal action against him.

Best Regards

Dr. Salah Ahmed
The General Manager
Cambridge International Training Centers(Sudan)
Sister Institution of:
Ontario Canadian Co. Ltd.
P.O.Box - 15018
Code - 12217
Khartoum - Sudan
Tel - 249-183-244440 - 249-183-241220
Fax - 249-183-239352
Mobile - 249-91-2368231

Message (4)From Mr. David Lawson The Vice Principal Of Cambridge International College Britain to the potential teacher Michael Brothwood.

Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 13:22:52 +0100
Dear Mr Brothwood,

I have had a very speedy - and open, honest response - from Dr Salah; please see below. It appears that the online reports are from just one person and are of a personal, vindictive nature.

I have no intention of becoming embroiled in the legal matters indicated, but I will say this:-

- CITC has been a good Affiliate of Cambridge International College for many years (since January 2003, in fact);
- despite various regional political troubles in Sudan over the years, CITC has maintained its activities which, seeing as they are of an educational and career-development nature (at least where Cambridge International College is concerned) I think is a good thing;
- I have met Dr Salah several times over the years and have found him a serious and focussed individual; indeed, his forthcoming visit to London to deal with the statements on the website are evidence of that;
- I have been contacted by other teachers contracted to work with CITC, both before and after their teaching period, and have not received negative reports; indeed, the challenging nature of the teaching and the interesting location of CITC has been appreciated by them. However, having not been a teacher at CITC myself, I cannot advise or comment further other than what I have been told.
- Coincidentally, our recent Newsletter actually features CITC - please see attached.

I hope that the above allows you to form a positive opinion of the teaching opportunity.


David Lawson

Please read more in:

Nicholas Kelly
Deputy GM , CITC Sudan

Messages In This Thread
Cambridge CITC Sudan Africa Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Lrom53 -- 2008-12-02
Re Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Bethany Roberts -- 2010-06-23
Re: Re Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Bethany Roberts -- 2010-07-06
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Nicholas Kelly -- 2009-09-07
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Ronald -- 2016-01-29
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Venera Sejdiu -- 2009-11-02
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- catch7 -- 2008-12-06
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- CITC Sudan -- 2008-12-05
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- ernst -- 2009-03-10
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Jack Oneil -- 2009-02-01
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- SSarmstrong -- 2009-02-01
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Roland Hannigan -- 2010-02-17
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- JO -- 2010-06-20
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Teachertrev -- 2010-02-16
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Teachertrev -- 2010-02-18
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- Carry Grant -- 2009-01-25
Re: Cambridge CITC Sudan Teachers Beware!!!!! -- catch7 -- 2008-12-05
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