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John Mann - 2009-09-08

Be advised - stay away from these people; if you really want to teach find someplace professional and fair. Fact - check if you wish - last year two managers were fired after meetings at the police station in Suzhou. Tax collection was one issue among others. (Chinese policewoman "Jane" a good person, was in charge). One issue was that one manager was holding a Canadian teacher's documents in her desk, which is not legal. Get this: she told the police sergeant that she didn't have said documents but gave the teacher a copy of his work visa. Well how did she make the copy without the original? - etc, etc. She was fired along with others. A rep from the Canadian consulate was contacted and gave warnings to the two lady owners of this school regarding this and other issues, and now a year later they (different staff, same game-playing) are up to the same tricks of cheating and refusing to comply with what they themselves have written in teachers' contracts. Something has to be done about these people.

This so-called school has a record of mistreating foreign teachers to the point that they must hire lawyers to satisfy the requirements that are written in their contracts, and when it is time to pay up the contract is ignored and teachers are forced to find legal assistance. Do you want names? Absolutely all the teachers who have worked for this company have been victimized in one way or another; usually it involves money and compliance with what is promised in writing. And of course those responsible eventually quit and move on and are not available for consultation. On and on and on. At present there are no certified teachers working here, (they may be good people, nice and so on, but they are not certified to teach by a university) and in the past 2 or 3 years there may have been one or two people who actually attended a teachers college at some point in the past. Many people want to stay here so they take a job teaching, and of course many photocopy other peoples' university transcripts and attach their own names to them. Give me a break.

Something must be done about this school's antics; they will continue to victimize and attempt to cheat employees. Indeed, Chinese employees - reception, CC people, tutors, etc, stay an average of what appears to be about 2 months due to the lousy salaries they receive. Typically after a Chinese person working here pays their bills each month there is little left for anything else. By the way, pay is always late; Chinese employees are supposed to be paid on the 15th of the month but typically get their money as late as the 20th. There is little complaining since they wish to keep their jobs. Teachers to be paid on the 15th usually get their money deposited into their banks around the 17th or 18th.

I have kept this message very general, without names and so on, but everything can be checked if you wish to take the time.

It is very easy to dismiss this type of information as sour grapes and personal dissatisfaction, but you go ahead, go to work for them and just wait until the ax falls. You will go along day by day and no problems until a money issues arises.

ESL schools in China have generally dismal records of employee relations; just read page after page of this website. Simply read the horror stories about the criminals and monsters who call themselves educators in this country. Two friends are finishing their contracts at NDI this month and expect the worst. The school is not renewing their contracts - they were screwed over when they had their baby a couple of months ago - money issues of course regarding the maternity leave, and they found it necessary to get a lawyer, hence the school does not want to renew their contracts. More games! Send me a message. This is not the place to name names.

Messages In This Thread
NDI (New Dynamic Institute) Suzhou, China -- John Mann -- 2009-09-08
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Kaibo -- 2009-09-11
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- rater -- 2010-09-16
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Kaibo -- 2010-09-17
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Joe Blogs -- 2010-09-19
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- rater -- 2010-09-17
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- George Johnstone -- 2010-09-17
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Chengdu FT -- 2010-09-02
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Joe Blogs -- 2010-09-01
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Kaibo -- 2010-09-02
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Joe Blogs -- 2010-09-03
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