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FedEx - 2009-09-13

So this is in regards to probably one of the worst schools in China. The headmaster at this school offers you good pay and all these benefits. You end up working for the guy and you get paid nothing if you are not attractive, white or from a top school in the states. He will treat you like one of the worst teachers. One minute he will promise you things and then turn it around and deny that he said it. He only cares about a foreign face. He preaches the bible when he knows how screwed up he is and he is doing this so people will think that he has justified reasons to do these things. If you want to leave his school when your contract is up, he will first beg you for a long period of time to stay and then if you still say no. He will keep your passport and then threaten to cancel your visa and make you get deported. You won't get your last pay even though you worked your full contract. His Chinese goons will come into your apartment with out calling. One goon has been accused of sexually assaulting the teachears after entering their apartments while they were in the shower, watching tv changing..etc. This headmaster told the staff to not mention it or talk about it to anyone. This goon still works for him. Things have been known to disappear out of your apartment. If you come from a better school by the headmasters standards (Harvard,Cornell, Yale, etc...) you will be given the best treatment. He will take nice furniture and other appliances from the "lower" standard teacher's home and provide them with old furniture and dodgy appliances. You can't have a private life. He knows everything. You go to the bar, have a relationship, want to make friends with people. He knows it all. He will lecture you and tell you how it's terrible. You are constantly watched and maybe I'm paranoid but sometimes I think there are cameras in the apartment because he knows things that happen in your apartment when you were alone. I could go on but I think I have said enough. Saying anymore would just upset me. I just want those out there applying should know this.

Messages In This Thread
Songyuan Foreign studies college, China -- FedEx -- 2009-09-13
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- I.sawitall -- 2009-10-04
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Chris Ducheyne -- 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- samcong -- 2012-05-20
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Al Colic -- 2011-08-28
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- BTS -- 2012-10-09
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- fbill -- 2012-06-28
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Anderson -- 2012-06-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Fbill -- 2013-09-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Stella -- 2013-10-01
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - its real name is FOREIGN STUDIES ACADEMY OF SONGYUAN -- Anderson -- 2013-10-01
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - its real name is FOREIGN STUDIES ACADEMY OF SONGYUAN -- fkbill -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - Bill Zhang (Bill Chang) now uses the name TEDA EDUCATION GROUP -- Anderson -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - New name: TEDA Education Group -- fkbill -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - New name: TEDA Education Group -- Traveling Bob -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Fbill -- 2013-09-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- GreenSunshine -- 2013-11-20
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Sam Cong -- 2013-11-20
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan - SAGE/TEDA (Dave's advert, 22 Nov) -- Anderson -- 2013-11-22
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Sam Cong -- 2013-09-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- John O’Shei -- 2013-09-30
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Anderson -- 2012-06-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Monitor -- 2009-10-04
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- ft-me -- 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Dragonized -- 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Monitor -- 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Chris Ducheyne -- 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- ft-me -- 2009-09-15
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- FedEx -- 2009-09-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- bob -- 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- I.sawitall -- 2009-10-04
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