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FedEx - 2009-09-19
In response to Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college (ft-me)

I still love China, the people, the government...etc...Sure the country has its problems but that is a whole other side. I just wanted to point out my fustration on a school that claims on this website to be the best school in Songyuan, the only one certified to hire foreign teachers, the most stable and that offers privacy in your personal life, is actually the one which is contradicting what they offer. There are 4 other schools in Songyuan with a proven track record that can hire foreigners and have little or no complaints that compare to the harshness of this school. You have no privacy at all and it is far from stable. If you apply to S.F.S.C and you have experience with schools like that, be my guest and work there if you can handle it. I really loved living in Songyuan and I would love to return there again. The people are great and you can learn the culture and language quickly there. But my message is out there for new people who have never experienced China. A school like that could ruin your experience and actually make you not see how Great and Amazing China is. Many old teachers who left the school have all at one point hated everything about Chinese because they worked for a control freak and often times threatening boss that would keep them in fear. Some people still think of China as a not so safe place for foreigners because of misconceptions. Horror stories about schools like S.F.S.C would make people fear coming to China. I wouldn't wish anyone to experience what I and many others have. No matter what country you are in, be careful when applying for schools and make sure you do your research. There are some great schools out there but beware of ones that sound too good to be true. Get references and make sure that you are working for someone you can trust. One last thing. If a school has been open for only 5 years and has had over 40 foreign teachers. Obviously it isn't very stable. Good luck to all in your search for a great time in China. Protect yourself and protect other foreigners you work with.

Messages In This Thread
Songyuan Foreign studies college, China -- FedEx -- 2009-09-13
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- I.sawitall -- 2009-10-04
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Chris Ducheyne -- 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- samcong -- 2012-05-20
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Al Colic -- 2011-08-28
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- BTS -- 2012-10-09
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- fbill -- 2012-06-28
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Anderson -- 2012-06-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Fbill -- 2013-09-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Stella -- 2013-10-01
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - its real name is FOREIGN STUDIES ACADEMY OF SONGYUAN -- Anderson -- 2013-10-01
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - its real name is FOREIGN STUDIES ACADEMY OF SONGYUAN -- fkbill -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - Bill Zhang (Bill Chang) now uses the name TEDA EDUCATION GROUP -- Anderson -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - New name: TEDA Education Group -- fkbill -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college - New name: TEDA Education Group -- Traveling Bob -- 2014-03-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Fbill -- 2013-09-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- GreenSunshine -- 2013-11-20
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Sam Cong -- 2013-11-20
Re: Foreign Studies Academy of Songyuan - SAGE/TEDA (Dave's advert, 22 Nov) -- Anderson -- 2013-11-22
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Sam Cong -- 2013-09-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- John O’Shei -- 2013-09-30
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Anderson -- 2012-06-29
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Monitor -- 2009-10-04
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- ft-me -- 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Dragonized -- 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Monitor -- 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Chris Ducheyne -- 2011-06-03
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- ft-me -- 2009-09-15
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- FedEx -- 2009-09-19
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- bob -- 2009-09-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- I.sawitall -- 2009-10-04
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