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Jacob Wilson - 2009-09-29

In reply to Turnoi,

"It is quite astonishing to suddenly see now all the posts in favour of certain companies that have received bad /unfavourable reviews some time ago:"

The original poster had absolutely no idea which company they were reviewing, and confused if a Juren education group even existed. The title of their post indicated a more favorable review of the company which they did not have a clear understanding of, not, as you stated, unfavorable reviews. In fact, I would like to challenge you to find as many unfavorable reviews of Juren and list them here. I would like to point out that my response to the original post was not a "campaign of company propaganda." I was merely clearing up the facts which you so conveniently ignored in your post. I did not offer any details of positions at any Juren location that may or may not be available. I also did not include any recruitment contact information within the reply to the original topic, therefore your assumption-filled, sweeping damnation of a company which you know nothing of, holds less reason than the original poster's nearly unintelligible question of Juren's reputation.

First, their response to such unfavourable reviews comes pretty late in response to unfavourable reviews made some time ago.

We do not have a campaign to clean up our company's image because we do not have a negative reputation among our training schools. I am not a fireman putting out fires against our company. I am the foreign service manager for Juren in Wuhan. It was clear from the original post that the poster did not have a clear understanding of the buyout of training schools in Wuhan, and my post was to separate the facts from the blind guesses of the poster who also said "I don't know what is goiung on, but the name Juren atleast is legit"

It seems there is currently an ongoing campaign on part of these companies in the attempt at polishing up their bad image as the time has come for them to recruit new foreign teachers.

Fact: Juren is one company, not to be thrown into the fire with the other nameless "companies" of which you described. I'm not sure how in-the-know you think you are about school recruitment efforts, however, now is not the best time for recruitment of foreign teachers, it was 2-4 months ago.

The details the poster gives in favour of Juren Wuhan are not such that sufficiently convince other readers here that the company has significantly improved in quality under a "new" leadership (management) unless you know more about its current management and educational philosophies and how they approach the treatment of foreign teachers.

I really dont understand this one.. If I had given away the competitive advantage of our company by detailing our company policy, management practices, education philosophies, and so on, it would have only given credit to your assumption that my post were for the purpose of a "campaign of company propaganda", furthermore the information you say my "propaganda" is lacking has no relevance to the clarification purposes of my response to the original post.

Finally, there is the point of change in leadership and ownership. With the same owners under a new management, hardly any real changes could be really achieved.

I thought I was very clear in my first post, "Woody Ding from TDM plays no part in the new management or ownership of Juren branch schools in Wuhan. Juren Wuhan's management includes no former TDM employees."

Adding to the original post, Juren Wuhan is owned and operated entirely by Juren HQ, Beijing. The Juren Wuhan General Manager as well as Department Directors are not Wuhan locals, they were transferred in from Beijing during the takeover. To give one example of our consistent business practices, foreign teachers hired by Juren in Wuhan are afforded the same salary structure as Juren HQ in Beijing. This is why I can personally say Juren is now the benchmark in Wuhan upon which other schools are judged, offering the highest salary available for experienced foreign teachers in Wuhan, as well as the lowest full-time contracted working hours.

Hence, many things are not at all really clear, and we only have the empty words of promises on the part of the said company. In my opinion, that is not enough to take the risk of making the efforts to make travel to China and to work for them. There are many other, much safer and better places to work for. No new foreign teacher to China wants to find himself in trouble after having agreeing to work for a company in China and making all the long and somewhat difficult way to China. It is still a business deal not good enough to take the risk. It is better to have such a business deal with institutions whose reputation and ethical conduct of business had never been at doubt.

I commend you for taking the time to offer advise to potential teachers, however you should not blur the truth about the good reputation of companies when offering said advise. From my own experience with the difficulties I have encountered with several kindergartens, training schools, and university education systems, I can only have dreamed to have had the opportunity to start my employment in China with a company holding as solid and deserved a positive reputation as Juren.

Be smart and question this campaign of company propaganda and do not get caught up in their obvious trap laid out just at this time when they ESL market is in need of new foreign teachers in China!

I'm sure with your caring nature and seemingly knowledgeable understanding of the different English education systems in China, you could put your words to good use, offering fairer and more accurate information to the people who may read your inflated posts.

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Re: New, "good" Wuhan Juren???-Really???? I have my doubts! -- Jacob Wilson -- 2009-09-29
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