View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it?
biochip - 2009-10-18

OK, my uni wants us all to submit ourselves to taking this test. You can see the front page of the site below.

Ostensibly it's to "evaluate" us, which would make one a bit concerned about the methods, accuracy and relevance of such an examination. Well, I did a little research, and there's scant little about this "evaluation" considering I've been told that SAFEA is making ALL teachers take this exam. Something tells me that's not the case.

My research uncovered that there's a big section with basically impossible-to-answer questions about China, Chinese holidays, and other stuff foreigners won't be familiar with unless they've already lived here quite a while. Further, there are grammatical errors, and apparently it's sometimes difficult to determine which answer is wanted even if one knows the answer, because of, well, Chinglish.

What caught my eye, though, was that the contact info is:">

Hmmm. Wouldn't that be the recruiting website? Well, when I looked at the registration page, I discovered it was. You have to agree to the terms of registration, which includes this bit:

How to register the

To register, all you need to do is to provide us with a username, a password and your email address as a point of contact to start with. If you post your resume with us, rest assured that we will absolutely respect your privacy and confidentiality concerns. Only with your prior consent will we allow corporate recruiters to access and review your resume.

and this:

All the services of are free to job seekers. Registration gives you the ability to post your resume on our website.

So, am I registering to take an evaluation required of all foreign teachers by SAFEA, or am I putting my resume and results of "evaluation" into a recruitment database run by

First, I'd like to know how many of you have actually taken this thing. Because of the inappropriate test on China it probably doesn't help anyone to not be able to ace the damned thing, so can't do much to improve the situation of people who are already employed with experience and references. It also seems like a hastily devised screening method for overseas applicants, not for established teachers with good reputations.

Anyone know anything about this?

Thanks in advance,


Messages In This Thread
The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- biochip -- 2009-10-18
Re: The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- Irritated Foreign teacher -- 2009-11-09
Re: The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- biochip -- 2009-11-11
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