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MetalStorm - 2009-11-06

Keep away from this place which is located near a crappy town called Yangluo, one hour from Wuhan. This university uses recruiters to obtain it's foreign teachers.

Teachers are told that they will be working in Hankou ( WBI is not anywhere near Hankou, it is not even in Wuhan! ) FT's are lied to about the number of FT's who work at the uni. WBI is very isolated, the students are nice, so are some of the Chinese teachers there, but FT's must live in a crappy hotel room. The hotel is locked at 10 or 11 pm each night, if you come back home after that you must call a manager to unlock the door, often they will just ignore your phone calls.

The only way into Wuhan is by the 2106 bus, the last bus leaves the college at 6pm for Wuhan. If you are in Wuhan and you want to come back to Yangluo you must catch the bus by 7.30 pm, USELESS! A taxi into Hankou costs 130 RMB, the same back to WBI.

The staff at the foreign office of WBI are arrogant, incompetent, and racist, and do not know what they are doing. Professor Lee, head of the English department is a nice man, but his assistant Betty is rude and also hates foreigners.

There is nothing to do at WBI, it is the most boring place you will come across. Your chance of finding a Chinese girlfriend there is also zero, unless you plan on sleeping with the students.

This uni dumps single male foreign teachers on it's doorstep, expects them to live like monks for a whole year and spend every night in it's crappy hotel.

You have been warned, keep away from this place, WUHAN BIOENGINEERING INSTITUTE SUCKS!

Messages In This Thread
Wuhan Bioengineering Institute, Yangluo -- MetalStorm -- 2009-11-06
Re: Wuhan Bioengineering Institute, Yangluo -- MetalStorm -- 2009-11-07
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