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Irritated Foreign teacher - 2009-11-09

Yes, I had to take this test. After working at my school for almost 2 and a half years now, my boss sprung this ridiculous test on me last week. I took the psychological exam, but after one look at the "elementary knowledge" exam, I decided it would be an insult for me to take that test. When my boss asked if I had completed the test, I just said "not yet" and hoped that I could get away with not taking the test and have the problem just go away. However, my boss informed me today that I must complete it before the end of the week.

The test is replete with grammar errors and of course, Chinglish. It is so bad that I would say at least one fourth of the questions I could not determine exactly what the question was asking. Yes, it also asks irrelevant questions about China. For example, one of the questions is : What are the four estates of Shanxi? First of all, it is unclear what the meaning of "estate" is in this question. Second, how would a foreigner know the answer to this question and more importantly, why would he or she need to know the answer in order to be an oral English teacher?

I also did some research and one piece of advice I found was to "think like a Chinese" when taking the psychological part of the exam. Well, my husband is Chinese and speaks excellent English so I had him guide me through that part of the test. The result? My score was a 41. I am not sure if that is 41 out of 100 or what, but it concerns me.

So should I continue to refuse to take the test or should I suck it up and take the stupid thing? Will a bad score mean my school won't want me to come back next year? This is already my third year here so I would hope that wouldn't be the case.

Messages In This Thread
The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- biochip -- 2009-10-18
Re: The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- Irritated Foreign teacher -- 2009-11-09
Re: The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- biochip -- 2009-11-11
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