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biochip - 2009-11-11

Yes, the test is remarkably flawed. In the version I got there was an instance in which the Chinese hadn't been translated in one of the answers. This leads me to believe what you are getting is a translation of a test given to Chinese employees, which would explain the completely irrelevant questions about Chinese culture. If a Chinese person doesn't know what people eat at Spring Festival, there might be a problem, but if a foreigner doesn't know that's merely to be expected.

As one poster stated some questions are so badly TRANSLATED that one can't decipher the intended meaning, and thus can't choose the correct answer even if one knows what it is.

That the test is translated in the first place surely indicates it was not actually designed for "foreign experts" at all, but seems to have been hastily compiled from two or more other sources. You may also notice that there are questions in the psychological evaluation (unimaginably ridiculous to take it at all seriously) that probably belong in a test for someone intending to operate a business in China, not teach.

I gather that the methodology by which one's psychological profile is determined is as flawed as the grammar and mismatched test questions. It's likely that a system as simple as determining characteristics based on a single answer is used. For example, if you were to answer in one question that you wouldn't sing if asked (perhaps because you can't and, well, you didn't grow up in a KTV culture in which it's just kinda' weird if you don't bust out pop tunes and prance around), than on the strength of choosing the wrong answer you may automatically be branded with something like: stubborn and unwilling to compromise.

People I know who have taken the test regarded it as laughable to sinister. The results, and particularly the psychological ones caused a lot of upset.

Why should teachers take a faulty, slapdash, ill-conceived examination that can't do them any good, can possibly do serious damage if anyone takes the botched results seriously, and is a grievous insult to participate in?

Particularly heinous is the attempt to brand teachers with psychological profiles based on a short list completely inept translations of specious questions, and then to put this garbage in a national database. Some employers may naively be duped into putting more importance into one's results on this test than their real credentials.

A possible solution to this would be to put together an "Employer of Foreign Expats Suitability Evaluation" in which they have to demonstrate their familiarity with Americana for example, and answer half-baked psychobabble questions in Englese.

Fore example.

1) What is the name of the pet "pig" in the TV sit-com, "Green Acres?"

a) Pinky
b) Babe
c) Arnold
d) Pluto
e) Zhu

That was the Americana question. Here's one for the psychological evaluation. Of course it will have to be translated into Chinese using internet software.

1) If foreigners become a little upset sometimes because local Chinese people constantly call them "wai guo ren" and "lao wai" and "Ying guo ren" and "Mei quo ren" you should

a) Tell them that everyone loves them.
b) Pretend you don't understand English.
c) Laugh and laugh.
d) Take their picture.
e) Say it is an honor to be a foreigner.
f) Spit.

The correct answer is e) Say it is an honor to be a foreigner, because this is the one they are least likely to be able to respond to, and some will believe it.

If you chose a) = You are clearly out of touch with reality and they will catch on to this.

b) = They will think you are either dim or have not interest in their culture or what they teach.

c) = This will be seen as an insult and they will imitate you behind your back.

f) = They may become confused and think this good habit is intended as a statement which is insulting.

I didn't actually complete the exam because it was an insult to my intelligence.

Messages In This Thread
The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- biochip -- 2009-10-18
Re: The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- Irritated Foreign teacher -- 2009-11-09
Re: The evaluation system for foreign language experts = legit or bullsh*t? Did you have to take it? -- biochip -- 2009-11-11
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