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to be or not to be... - 2009-12-16

All these posts are simply people stating opinions or making comments without facts to support them. Every school has its pros and cons. Some might have had a bad experience, yes, while others might have a had a good one. Who is to say which to believe? You'd have to work at this school to know for yourself.

Truth is, I have heard some negative comments about this particular school by former teachers (certified). The main complaint was about the administration. Other posts all have similar complaints - thus I think it would be safe to say that there must be problems if more than one person is making these comments. "Qifuren" admitted the school is not perfect. The thing is, how not perfect is it? Or, what's not perfect about it - specifically? I guess it comes down to what your experiences are, as we are all different and thus have different expectations.

Clifford School, from what I have seen on the website, looks impressive. Having over 80+ Western Staff means they must be doing something right - or the economy back home is forcing people to teach abroad. 3,000 students is large and that also must indicate the school is prospering. Turnover rates for foreign teachers should not necessarily be an indicator that the school is "crap." It is the very nature of ESL - teachers come and go - all have different reasons for wanting to live abroad (some travel, others cultural, etc...).

In terms of education, for me personally, if I had children, I'd most likely opt for the proper international school. All around better education. Bilingual schools mainly help local children develop language abilities. That's a good thing and no one should knock it.

Anyway, judging by the posts, I would have to conclude there are some serious problems at this particular school. If there were more posts like "john" supporting the school, I might be persuaded in thinking otherwise. Thing is, there are not.

Good luck to all and enjoy the upcoming holidays!!! 2010!!! Happy New Year!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Teacher from 2007-2008 -- 2009-04-17
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Graduate -- 2012-07-03
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Kanadian -- 2012-07-04
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Manitoban -- 2012-07-04
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Kanadian -- 2012-07-05
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- englishgibson -- 2012-07-04
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- englishgibson -- 2012-07-03
Re Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Roundtrip -- 2011-03-05
Re Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-03-05
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Trent -- 2009-11-17
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- POOP -- 2011-01-09
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Son of My Father -- 2009-11-19
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Veteran teacher of six years at Clifford School -- 2009-04-27
My experience at Clifford School in Panyu -- Thankful I'm leaving this school after this year! -- 2009-06-24
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu -- john -- 2009-11-17
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu -- AnyonesGuess -- 2009-12-28
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu -- to be or not to be... -- 2009-12-16
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu -- Little Known -- 2009-12-26
Re: My experience at Clifford School in Panyu -- Jack Taylor -- 2009-06-27
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