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Spanky - 2010-01-07

Having never been involved in the situation I cannot personally judge. There are, however, some telltale signs which, IMHO, cast serious doubts on Green Oasis's credibility. These include the fact that the original complaint never seems to have been satisfactorily addressed, and that the only pieces of "evidence" presented on behalf of the school are that it is a "good school" (please qualify this woefully inadequate adjective)they "rock", and that they use Cambridge curriculum. As if the type of curriculum a school uses is a guarantee that the teachers are treated fairly and decently. DUH!!!!! There is also the disturbing defense that a visit to the school would somehow prove all allegations incorrect. In reality a visit to the school would only allow the visitor to see the facade masterfully created by the school with absolutely no insight as to what nefarious debauchery occurs behind the scenes. Though I am not personally acquainted with the individuals running the school in question, I am nonetheless acquainted ad nauseum with far too many criminal school owners and managers, and the MO and behavior I have seen by those speaking on behalf of the "defendant" is strikingly similar to that of those despicable and remorseless swine with whom I have had far too manny dealings over the past 8 years in the business. I certainly would not advise proffering your services to owners, management, and corporate lackeys who comport themselves so suspiciously and whose only defense against seemingly legitimate allegations is to weave a web of misdirection rather than responding with facts and hard evidence to the charges made against them. If it coils, hisses and bites, it's probably a snake. If it oinks and wallows in the mud it's probably a pig. (I have, however, seen human beings do all of the above quite adroitly and convincingly) Even if the accusations are not substantiable, would you risk the very real possibility that it, or any other problems arising from the terpitude of these ubiquitous leeches, may happen to you, at Green Oasias or at any "school" with a similar pattern and history? I didn't think so.

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Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Spanky -- 2010-01-07
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