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Turino - 2010-01-08

I know the first people who would write a negative comment on this, Turino and Silverboy. But I dont care, so, yea...

Actually,what teachers think of schools is a very important matter for themselves.That's because they are the potential employees of employers at schools,and don't want to be used and abused by ropey employers who are low on principles.Fair enough,I think.
What parents think of schools is an entirely different matter,albeit equally important.You've stated the obvious about that.As you've said,parents needn't care about how employers,school management,treat their employees,teachers.They only care about what they envisage to be the quality of education provided,in line with what they are prepared to,or indeed are able to,spend on their children's education.Fair enough too,I think.
I can't speak for Silverboy,and I don't think this reply has any negative comments.To me,it's just common sense,and probably the same to many readers of this post,so not worthy of debating.
Over to you,Silverboy!

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