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Seriously PEOPLE! - 2010-01-11

Hi everyone,
I have been reading this "fight" ,you may call it, for quite a few days. I have read almost all the reviews by now, and believe me, this totally sounds like a fight!I mean really, people are actually abusing people and calling them names which is pretty rude, if you ask me. I think everyone's just taking this to seriously, which is very funny. When I read all this it sounds to me that everyone's biting each other's heads off!Which is good entertainment, LOL!One person said that this school was good and then everyone started to "fight"! Even mature people sound so childish and "unmature". I think there is no way anybody's gonna win the fight, so I think you guys should just leave it till here, finish the matter, so you will have one less thing to worry about. I am not taking anybody's sides, infact I am just 18 and I was looking for something to entertain me, and there it was, mature people fighting like little kids!This is seriously gonna take all of you no where! It is also gonna take your time fighting and writing replies which is not doing anything and is complete nonsense!I wouldn't have bothered to write this,but looking at how much time everyone's wasting, which they should be using to do good to the world, is just totally stupid and weird. So I thought why dont I give you guys a suggestion and finally finish this fight or atleast try to make you guys realize what childish things you guys are doing. Its just one school!C'mon people!

Thanks for reading this, hope this would take your mind to the bright side and stop this "fight"

P.S.:In a way all of those messages sounded like World War 3!!!LOL!

Messages In This Thread
Re: Snivelling weasels in action! -- Seriously PEOPLE! -- 2010-01-11
Re: Snivelling weasels in attack mode! -- TakenAback -- 2010-01-11
Re: Snivelling weasels in attack mode! -- Ken -- 2010-01-20
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