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BillyBloggs - 2010-01-11

So now you are an apologist for Chinese racism? Typical, that is what I would expect from a grovelling weasel , corporate lackey and China school apologist like yourself!

I see! No room for moderate views on this board!
If my views don't agree with yours, so be it! No need to get your knickers in a knot, about it. What happened to "supercat" BTW?? You blokes are laughable when you suggest China should introduce anti-racism laws. True, they should, but can anyone see it happening? USAnia has these laws, Pommyland has these laws, Australia has these laws. Do they work? To some respect, yes, but not fully!
Yingwen, you have been in China for 3 1/2 years?...and worked at 6 different schools in that time? Don't stick around long, do you? Just to highlight that, I have been here 8 1/2 years, and have worked at 4 schools.
If a "school" has the freedom to hire or not to hire a non-"white" person and if it does not hire a person because of colour of skin in disregard of qualifications, then this is "racist". The answer to this cannot be "take it or lump it"

Racist it may be, but what you gonna do about it? Sue them??
You blokes all reckon that China should be just like home. It's not!...and never will be. Get over it!
Messages In This Thread
Re: Many Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- BillyBloggs -- 2010-01-11
Re: Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Goldengirl -- 2010-01-11
Re: Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- BillyBloggs -- 2010-01-11
Re:Ltd Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- Goldengirl -- 2010-01-12
Re:Ltd Opportunities for Black Teachers - ESL school review -- BillyBloggs -- 2010-01-12
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