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englishgibson - 2010-01-14

James has assisted the filthy Chinese employers as well as I have before. So, both of us are guilty of helping the crooks open/operate their centers, impose their own will on customers as well as employees and then possibly launder their dirty money. Sure that had James or I not done it, some others would have done it instead. However, if we refused to be a part of their farce "business" more often, there would most likely be fewer farce "businesses" around, wouldn't there? I really don't think that any Chinese business person would be up for opening a language training center on his/her own or with a few fella Chinese quick western MBA holders that can only follow the manuals written by foreigners.

Now, James it's the time to fess up to our poor decisions we've made and let's face the consequences of our actions. There are many poorly managed language centers around the country and there are many cheated customers and fts as well. There has been a lot of dirty money laundered through these kinda operations and some of this money has actually ended up in our own countries and accounts of the fine "international operations" posing as "franchisors". Moreover, there are all kinda foreign teachers around as opportunities for virtually anybody have been created and that throught some unprofessional or shall I say clueless recruiters/HR departments of these centers. And, more rainforest has been destroyed further too as some desperate employers have opted for copy machinese since the foreign academic material is more expensive.

In Web Inernational they've got a standard now and that is that the foreign academics are the edutainers first. Therefore there isn't much of a qualification required as if you are able to entertain you've got the job. And, you can guess who makes decisions about who gets hired and who evaluates these fine foreign academics or shal I say edutainers. There are often some lovely young Chinese management staff members fresh out of their Chinese Colleges, well brainwashed to carry out their well assigned tasks on daily basis. Can you imagine a 60 year old UK academic that's tought for at least a couple decades, now being told by this fine young Chinese coordinator that, in her as well as in the students views, he isn't good enough to teach English?

Cheers and beers to all of us as we are soon to make our exits out of this 5,000 years old country :)

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