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A former DOS - 2010-01-23

New Foreign Teachers should be aware of the EF English First Group, in particular their Zhuhai franchise training centre. This is not a situation of sour grapes as I was able to complete my contract as Director of Studies. But this is more of a 'whistle blower deal', in a lame attempt to look out for the best interests of future teachers. The role of D.O.S with the EF group,(albeit a figure head fall guy position),is mainly responsibe for recruitng, training & most importantly looking after the best interests of foreign teachers. However,EF Zhuhai flies in the face of head office & has no regard for franchise agreement, their teachers or staff. Teachers have no accident insurance or working visas, (although they are told the contrary in their contracts);teacher contracts are constantly breached & dishonred. Further to this, the school regualry with holds salaries, visas & monies owed as a way of forcing teachers to resign during quiet periods, thus avoiding any holiday pay or contractual entitlements....(the salaries are pathetic anyway).
In short, contracts are not met on any terms. What is really the issue here is that this is a franchise operation of 'The world's largest ESL provider' flying under the guise of a suppossed respected brand where foreign teachers can feel confident & safe. But the truth is that EF China head office in Shanghai is just in the business of collecting franchise fees & building their brand to further this. Sure, the EF Head office will play the game of watch dog monitor & the creepy little English gits might even visit you to pay some lip service but the fact is that the head office wash their hands completely of any responsibility for their franchees' teachers & are interested only in feathering their own nests. I know this because I tried to get some justice for the teachers I worked with them. True enough it is not my problem now...which I know is what the last D.O.S said, but I guess I feel some moral obligation to at least warn those few who genuinely try hard to do the right thing here in China....I wish someone had warned me.

Messages In This Thread
EF English First Zhuhai -- A former DOS -- 2010-01-23
Re: EF English First Zhuhai -- englishgibson -- 2010-01-30
Re: EF English First Zhuhai -- Deb -- 2010-01-26
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