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Star - 2010-01-26

I would strongly advise anyone against accepting a position at this school. The school is extremely disorganized and notorious for mistreating and firing employees.

All foreign teachers are housed in a dirty, unsafe area of the city known to most locals as "hooker hood". Most of the apartments are old, dirty and loud, not to mention that many of them have serious mold problems which have caused several teachers to get sick.

The owners are very disorganized and are constantly making changes without consulting employees. They also regularly make mistakes on paychecks.

This school does not provide National Health Insurance or National Pension Plan to its employees, this is ILLEGAL under Korean law and results in employees paying full price for all medical services. As well, since the school does not pay into the pension plan this results in a loss of about $1200 per year for each individual employee. Usually the money payed into the pension, $99 per month from both the employee and the employer, can be collected at the end of the employee's contract, however since this school does not pay into the plan, you lose all of this money.

The hours at the school are unreasonably long. All employees work 9:30-6 and most are forced to work overtime which means staying until 7:00 or 7:30, overtime is not optional and is paid at an extremely low hourly rate. Also, there is not enough prep time in the schedule for any employee to finish all of the necessary work so most employees end up working longer hours without pay.

Employees are also required to prepare a kindergarten graduation skit complete with songs and dances which requires more unpaid hours of work. This puts a lot of unnecessary stress on employees. I would recommend looking for a school that doesn't require this extra, unpaid work. As well all employees are forced to work Saturdays when requested.

There are many far better jobs in Korea, don't make the mistake of accepting a position with this school.

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