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Mahoma Iza - 2010-02-18

OMG!! This is so great. The boss himself. Despite the fact Im not being targeted anymore for a while now, I feel I ought to give a word or two about this, cause Bill, neither Tony nor Justin posted anything against you. They, like myself, have the guts to write down our names when we are going to say something. So I would really appreciate if you stopped saying that it's them who are doing "this evil crime" against you.

Teachers who want to come and work in Songyuan (if anybody out there knows where Songyuan is, cause I didn't till I came) please do as Bill says, and contact the current teachers at the school, but contact the former ones as well. They all will have a story or 2 to share.

Now, I guess if the business is going so well as "it is", then there is not even need to get mad for such a simple post. If that's not the case, may God help you get more business, I mean it.

Now, just a brief comment about Justin. Yeah, he is 19, but still you brought him to China knowing so, and he had to go back after working for this school without the needed visa, which I don't know if cannot be gotten or just wasn't requested, or bought, but that's not the case. About Tony, I don't think it's anybody's problem why he still lives here, he has the right to live wherever he pleases, and stop the shit about him saying things about the other schools headmasters, again, if he has something to tell them he will do it face to face, not hiding with another name, and certainly he wouldn't need help to do it.

Nobody is saying that this is the worst school, which I don't think it is. Somebody, which I would like to hear who it was too, just informed the newcomers that the Songyuan Foreign Studies College changed its name back to Eastern Star, so that they can make their research before hand, and don't get here with no clue, as I, and many others did on our first coming to China.

Just to add, this is the former discussion in this forum about the school. Guys, feel free to check it out.

By the way Bill, Im not posting here because I hate you or want to ruin your business, I couldn't be happier now that I left, so thanks for firing me; I do it as a response to the blame you put on someone who is not to be blamed, and remember that Justin as you said is too young to go through this crap, so let him enjoy his vacation. The same goes for Tony, who didn't know about the post until you called him to blame him.

Happy spring festival you all!! (and God bless)

Messages In This Thread
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Sam Cung -- 2010-02-14
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star -- Bill Zhang -- 2010-02-18
Bill Zhang, (Emperor of China) and owner of Songyuan Foreign Studies College AKA Eastern Star -- Justin Desrochers Canada -- 2010-03-25
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star -- TeePee -- 2010-02-22
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-02-18
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star -- sam cong -- 2010-02-16
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star -- englishgibson -- 2010-02-17
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star -- TSH -- 2010-02-16
Re: Songyuan Foreign Studies College a.k.a Eastern Star -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-02-16
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