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Justin - 2010-02-25

Or International Volunteers Foreign Teachers of Harmony English Teaching Experimental Research Center

They are actively searching for many new teachers on this site and others to replace all the teachers they didn't pay last semester. They look for native English speakers, promise them to change their visas into Z visas when they enter China. Then they come up with excuses to put it off until your original visa is about to expire. Then they tell you its your responsibility to get your visa renewed, and they charge you a ridiculous amount of money for it. They were charging teachers 3,000rmb for a one month L visa extension, (which they told every one of us it would be a 6 month F visa). They tell you they will pay you back but they don't. This is going on with every single teacher I know that has worked with this company (7 that I know of at this time). They are actively recruiting from this site from the email of and Since posting about them online I have heard nothing good about them and have met many people who have had worse experiences than me with this company.

They are a book company based in Jinan. The contracts are signed by a Henry Zong. Cindy Zheng, Tom Pei, Thomas Long, and Dale Sheng are known recruiters for this company.

Their website is They never told me the website, so I doubt they will show anyone else. They like to keep things secret from the teachers. When I discovered who owned the company their was panic whenever I mentioned his name, Xu FuYuan (许福源). They even accused other people who work for them for telling me who owned the company. They had over 30 foreign teachers working for them last semester and are looking for replacements now.

Other emails too look out for are:

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