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Angry Ex-teacher - 2010-02-26
In response to Re: Lingdong school Foshan (englishgibson)

Review of Lingdong School

Lingdong School in Foshan China should definitely be avoided. Don't work there!

The previous reviews about Lingdong are too nice. I was not given a proper visa (because the school is so cheap) and had to work illegally, I was NOT paid on time for half of the months, my apartment was totally gross (and so was the school), I had to go to meetings/grade 100s of tests and work overtime without pay, and the managers are an absolute JOKE. This school is strikingly unorganized and is definitely going under.

When you first are contacted by the school's recruiter (Helen), she'll send you the contact info of many past teachers that will give you good reviews. What you don't know is those teachers worked at the school in 2002-2004; back when the school had money and treated their employees semi-fairly. Now, they school is failing which means they're acting extreamly cheap and are constantly looking for ways not to give you your benefits (you most definitly wont get that insurance that they state in your contract - believe me!) or pay you for all of your hours. For example, for several of the months, (the ones that have holiday days) you will only be paid for your hours (at a very low, unfair rate) rather than given your full month salary. So for some months, you'll only be getting a few hundred dollars (USD). In addition, when they say that you'll be getting 10-15 PAID holidays, this is 100% untrue because you won't get ANY extra money they'll make those holidays be on Mondays or Tuesdays which are days that you have off anyway (your weekend).

Oh, and they only have dirty, dirty, dirty squat-toilets at the schools!

Please save yourself the torture. Don't teach at Lingdong.

Messages In This Thread
Lingdong school Foshan -- Jason -- 2010-01-14
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-01-30
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- disapointed -- 2010-05-24
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-05-25
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- disapointed -- 2010-06-01
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-02
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- disapointed -- 2010-06-02
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- Angry Ex-teacher -- 2010-02-26
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- Mariel Klauber -- 2010-07-13
Lingdong School owes us money! Update -- Mariel Klauber -- 2010-07-28
Re: Lingdong School owes us money! Update -- Alain -- 2010-07-29
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- Brandon G. Neth -- 2010-07-23
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-07-29
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- happygolucky -- 2010-01-31
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- CSUWS -- 2010-01-30
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