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I Smell a rate - 2010-03-13
In response to Re: yuncheng ielts (Shanxi Prince)

I have also worked for this Yuncheng Ielts outfit, and I can verify much of what is said about it

Paul Mcgree, Mr Canadian, is indeed the pet foreigner of Mr River and some other fellow who calls himself a "Doctor". A doctor of what I have no idea. The place is located in some back alley industrial park looking place, and is not a school of any kind. Just to rooms, and a reception area.

Paul himself is simply a teacher who works for them, and has a fancy title. His real job is to keep the other foreigners inline, basically.

The school itself has a "compound" that they built to house all of their teachers who work within Yuncheng. Unless you want to be sharing space with a lot of other people, this is one reason of many to avoid it.

The Chinese "assistants" they hire are atrocious. I have yet to meet more contrary, self important "assistants" in my entire life. Never have a had someone argue with me more, and try to run things when they are "my" assistant. I have yet to work with such contrary people so closely.

The "school" agency that is Yuncheng IELTS, (basically they are glorified recruiters) do a rather poor job of taking care of their foreign teachers. Most of their teachers are new to China, and hence know nothing. These are in truth the only people who would work for them that are, as Turnoi said, under the age of 60. It is correct that they will stab you in the back and toss you aside like rubbish if at any time it is more convenient than trying to help you out. Paul Mcgree is the worst of the lot, he really doesn't do anything. His role is to placate and nod his head to whatever your concerns are. In truth, he might as well be Chinese, as he is never on the teachers side, ever.

I have to agree with everyone else, this place needs to be given a wide miss. Paul fancies himself an expert on teaching, an expert on everything to be honest, and this get's beyond annoying. The man is egocentric and superior to the extent that you want to strangle him. For some, it can make working for them impossible, as having to communicate with this man can be a real chore. His ego really knows no bounds. In my opinion, Paul is good enough reason to give this place a miss, and yet there are so many other reasons one need not worry.

You will be working on an F visa if you work for them. The used to get teachers Z visas, long ago, but not anymore. Now it is all F's. That means that the contract they give you isn't worth the paper it is written on.

Also, I don't know if they are still doing this, but when I was there, they tried to get me, and every teacher to give them 20 percent of their monthly salary, to hold as collateral, in exchange for fully completing your contract. That's absurd.

This place also finds teachers for schools other than places in Yuncheng. When I worked there they were sending teachers to Beijing and Shanghai, to work for 5,000 yuan a month. Talk about crappy pay. What do you think the odds are they no longer recruit for others outside of their home province? If anything they have likely expanded all of their practices.

Be warned everyone, if you work for this outfit, you will be left feeling marginalized, used, and abused, do not question. They have no idea how to train or prepare foreign teachers for work in China, and they couldn't give a damn either. Say no to Yuncheng IELTS, you can do better.

Messages In This Thread
yuncheng ielts -- CHINAGIRL -- 2010-03-07
Re: yuncheng ielts -- Shanxi Prince -- 2010-03-07
Re: yuncheng ielts -- I Smell a rate -- 2010-03-13
Re: yuncheng ielts -- Shanxi Prince -- 2010-03-14
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