Duckling - 2010-04-17

BTW, I heard recently that he was offered a 100,000RMB bribe in Wuhan in 2008 and he turned it down. Most FT's in China would take the money!
If that amount had ever been really offered as a bribe, I don't believe that they would ever keep their promise and really pay it! It's really rubbish talk!

I wouldn't go so far as to say that 'that's really rubbish talk'. It would all depend on how sensitive the information held by Silverboy was, and you are not privy to that!
As a matter of fact, I've been offered free dinners and pink room gals in my time as an FT to keep my mouth shut about dishonesty that I had come upon on more than one occasion. But it was relatively minor dishonesty compared to that for which I could pocket 100,000 RMB.
What about over there in Africa? Have you come across any dishonesty in the education system for which you could receive money or favors from pink room gals for keeping your mouth shut. I bet you have.

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Re: Bribe -- Duckling -- 2010-04-17

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