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The Deserter - 2010-04-20
In response to Re: Dell English School (Dell Johnston Sr.)

Below is quote from a post about DELL ENGLISH:

DELL ENGLISH SCHOOL here in Shijiazhuang is another school to avoid. They to, will not pay you for your actually hours either. They will also try to change the pay scale if they are running short funds. They will envite you come and interview with the school but they won't tell that you are going to a school with some other potential hires and talk in a auditorium for two hours and not get paid for it. They will LIE and tell you it will only take 20 minutes. Then they will take your picture along with the other foreigners and use that in there advertisements. This is now illegal for schools in China to do this without your permission and you must be compensated for the use of your photograph in a advertisement.

Then after using your picture without permission they will hire Africans that can bearly mumble a word of English because they are cheaper.

Very enlightening, is this not enough information to know why you should NOT work for them?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Dell English School -- huh? -- 2010-04-18
Re: Dell English School -- ShitPuppet -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School -- Dell Johnston Sr. -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School -- ShitPuppet -- 2010-04-20
At Dell English, they need to learn English first themselves -- Teacher -- 2010-04-20
Cheat and Deceit by Dell English -- The Deserter -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School -- ShitPuppet -- 2010-04-19
Dell English Expertise -- The Clown -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English Expertise -- TruthSayer -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School -- Dell Johnston Sr. -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School -- LOLER -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School -- Deborah Thistlethwaite -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School -- Anne -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-19
Dell English School part 2 -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-24
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