Mahoma Iza - 2010-04-20

Jordan and Roger, I want you to know that I don't have anything at all against you, you two are two of my best friends and you just happened to work at the same school, there in Songyuan.
I know I don't need to tell you my story, you were there, you always knew how things were developing, but a job is job, so whether I'm wrong or right, I hope your boss is not childish to think you have anything to do with my blogs.
If you have felt threatened in any way by my posts, I offer you and all the other good people behind enemy lines (because a place can be full of good people and good ideas and still be shit if things are not done correctly ) an apology. This is not against any of you (the good people).

Second, but not least important, Dell, I told you why I decided to post. You spoke shit about my girlfriend. Nobody treats those I love that way. You owe her an apology. I demand an apology from you, for everything you did and said, from promising her 3000 a month and after she quits her job to come and work for you, you give her 1200, promising an apartment when she had to live in a closet size room at the school, without even a proper bathroom. Why speak about her in the way you have. That's unforgivable, as a person and as a man. If you are a man you will apologize to her, you are trying to get me by using an innocent person, and I'm here to defend her honor and to protect her.

I also think a public apology from Lisa to her would be right, she was the reason she quit your school, she was mistreated by her, and other staff, and she was not paid for her last weeks there either.

You all think I'm doing this because you didn't pay me "what I feel I should get". You know what? Take the 12000 in 1RMB notes, roll them up and... Well, keep it.

And now that we are on it, I would like Lisa to apologize to me, for insulting me, for threatening me (I have proof in a "beautiful" email I got from Dell), for talking shit about me to everybody, for attempting to kick me out of China, for telling lies to... what the heck, just apologize. (Have you read it carefully Dell? I think you should)
But to my lady the apology is a MUST.

Have a nice day gentleman

Messages In This Thread
Dell English School, China -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-17
Re: Dell English School, China -- nuggets -- 2013-03-07
Re: Dell English School, China -- Rob Hewitt -- 2013-03-10
Re: Dell English School, China -- nuggets -- 2013-03-10
Re: Dell English School, China -- Rob Hewitt -- 2013-03-11
Re: Dell English School, China -- nuggets -- 2013-03-10
Re: Dell English School, China -- greg parker -- 2013-03-08
Re: Dell English School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-08
Re: Dell English School, China -- San Migs -- 2013-03-09
Songyuan Dell English school... so far... -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-30
The Why... Repost -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-23
Re: Dell English School -- Dell Johnston Sr. -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dell English School -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English hanging out and drinking place -- Catchman -- 2010-04-19
The Why -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dell English School -- ShitPuppet -- 2010-04-17

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