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Bull Frog - 2010-04-24

The Kipper strikes again, rocking the bull frog society. In true form the Kipper, whose name refers to the GUTLESS, 2 EYED, 2 FACED, Smoked herring , usually from Scotland.
The latest victim is Cyclone Tracey Frog, terminated for telling the truth.
This means the total that have been terminated or left the school because of The Kipper stand at a staggering:
8 Aussies, 3 Welsh, 3 Filipinos, 4 Chinese, 2 Brits, 1 Swede, 2 Yanks

and amazingly this is only at 1 school. News has it that any one who challenges the Kipper and his knee jerk management style has been terminated over the years. There must be 100's who have been dealt The Kippers, Hitler like termination of those, who were game to challenge his credibility and antiquated educational philosophy.

It seemes that only sardines or little kippers stand a chance of staying in his school. Sardines, by the way, are small little fish, that follow each other, brainlessly. Little Kippers are those who have been trained by The Kipper, and are usually natives from north of the English boarder and the US. They often swear that they do not agree with The Kipper but actually everyone knows that they have secret meetings to plan their next LIE.
The Kippers gets his strength from his henchmen..usually Matriarchal Sharks who are always ready to line there pockets with backhanders. There are fearless, in their terminations as well, especiually when caught red handed , in the till.....actually these poor souls have made a solid career in taking their huge cut of the schools finance. They have been doing it for years..
By the way.. the word also has it that the 3 girls sacked in 2008 did have their visa and the police asked the school why they were not of the sharks paid a backhander for it to be covered up.

Messages In This Thread
Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Yen -- 2008-09-09
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- The Dog -- 2014-01-07
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-07
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- The Dog -- 2014-01-08
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Cloakridge -- 2014-01-09
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-09
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Principal of Green Oasis -- 2012-02-18
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- mike -- 2012-02-20
A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Here's-Your-Answer -- 2012-02-18
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Principal of Green Oasis -- 2012-02-19
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Worried -- 2012-12-12
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Sad -- 2013-01-30
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- foxy -- 2013-01-30
Re: A Message from a student's parent -- David -- 2012-04-26
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Amelia -- 2008-10-02
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Jennis -- 2008-09-30
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- The Chicken of the Dog -- 2014-01-08
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Aace -- 2008-10-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Jennis -- 2008-10-12
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Mandreia -- 2008-09-28
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Foxy -- 2008-09-28
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Bull Frog -- 2010-04-24
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- leisuresuit -- 2010-05-04
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Billy Boy -- 2010-05-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Billy Boy -- 2010-04-25
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Dragonized -- 2010-04-24
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Riverina -- 2010-04-25
Sharks in my neigborhood -- The Shark -- 2010-04-24
Re: Sharks in my neigborhood -- Anon -- 2010-05-12
Re: Sharks in my neigborhood -- The Shark -- 2010-05-12
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Billy Boy -- 2010-04-14
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