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Sandi Prost - 2010-05-11

This company (like a number of other private language schools) takes advantage of foreigners and ex-pats often desperate for work and often naive in terms of legal proceedings and rights.

The management here claim to be reasonable but their actions prove the opposite, they are unreasonable, inflexible and provide no room for discussion or negotiation. Their management style shows staff little respect and does not take their opinions or wellbeing into account.

Many staff are pressured into signing long, complicated, legally binding contracts with no support or time provided to help obtain a translation into their native language, or better understand the original language version. These contracts are designed to take away many of employees rights as human beings and especially as freelancers. Many contracts are completely one-sided and give the employee no assurances as to expected work hours, remuneration or anything else they can expect to receive from the company in return for their compliance and hard work. Additionally verbal agreements by the management are often dishonoured and situations where the employer has lied outright to the employee are not uncommon.

Staff are often not given the amount of classes they are promised before taking on the position yet they are put in a situation where they are not able to take on additional work from other sources or entitled to leave a position that does not give them an income on which they are able to sustain themselves.

Many Staff leaving their positions have experienced threats of legal action and their remaining pay withheld. This company has previously issued contracts which stipulate that a large fine must be paid by the employee to the employer should the employee wish to terminate his/her employment at any time within the contract period.

Apart from the poor contracts, lack of flexibility, lack of rights, poor communication and unapproachable management, staff are also not adequately compensated for travel and preparation time and are treated with contempt by staff in the schools and kindergartens they travel to.

Job seekers considering working for this company can expect to be paid reliably however should strongly consider whether their values and working-style will not be at odds with the very poor management systems in place here.

Messages In This Thread
Abrakadabra Spielsprachschule Berlin -- Sandi Prost -- 2010-05-11
Re Abrakadabra Spielsprachschule Berlin -- Annie American -- 2015-10-18
Re Abrakadabra Spielsprachschule Berlin -- Upset teacher -- 2016-02-10
Re: Abrakadabra Spielsprachschule Berlin -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-05-13
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