View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Peter Finisterra - 2010-05-31

Working for Vinnell is very militaristic, i.e., they play a lot of obedience and conformity games with you. The psychologist Alfred Adler was right when he focused on the abuse of power as one of the main drives behind human behavior. Well, he was spot on in his description of the military at any rate, especially jobs like this. They make you wear a military uniform including the boots to work which is like putting a sign around your neck that says, Shoot me. Im involved with the US military. And, the compound has a residential area around it that a sniper could easily take a shot at you from. Vinnell employees were after all attacked in 2003 by violent Islamists because their involvement with the Bush administration going back to Bush, Sr. is well known.

Also, they put you in a villa with an old crusty former enlistedman from the US military and tell you that you have to stay in the small room because you are the new guy which is about 10 X 12 feet and you have to go outside and walk across the hallway to use the bathroom. They make you show up to work 2 to 2.5 hours before the Saudis bother to wander into work. They make you show up and just sit there and look busy at work when the Saudis are off during Ramadan and Hadj. They have you teach grammar to the students just to make sure that theyre bored to death and hating the experience as much as you are being made to. They expect you to share a poorly maintained van with four other guys and the person who is the primary on the van will tell you that you have to walk 20 minutes across the compound in 115 degree heat to pick it up, then return it within four hours and then walk back home again in the heat. Would it be too much trouble to give you a ride back to your villa? Of course not, but the point is that they give the perks to as$kissers who enjoy abusing the little power they have.

Oh, also Northrop Grumman, the company that Vinnell is a subsidiary of was one of the main companies pushing the propaganda effort behind the war in Iraq. Anything that sends some government money their way is OK with them even if it involves the murder of hundreds of thousands of people. Nothing but nice guys, these ones! Of course these good Republicans running the company arent going to spread the wealth when the CEO can get away with making tens of millions of dollars a year. But you are expected to make sacrifices to be a working stiff, so he can buy another yacht. Do yourself a favor and turn down that crappy 50K a year that theyre offering. Its not worth the wear and tear on your psyche to put up with such nonsense.

Messages In This Thread
Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia -- Peter Finisterra -- 2010-05-31
Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- yusei -- 2010-12-27
Re Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- Peter Finisterra -- 2011-05-12
Re Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- Banana Joe -- 2010-12-28
Re Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- Eyu -- 2011-07-01
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