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Dave J - 2010-06-11
In response to Re: OWEN Foreign Language School (englishgibson)

I am the person from Seattle mentioned in this post. I do say that there may have been some issues with the GAC program but the person with the biggest problem is this poster. He has blamed his problems on every one else including fellow teachers. The GAC head office even says this this person has major issues. In one of his posts he says that we do not have a Foreign Director and in this last post he attacks me...the Foreign Director. This teacher refused to cooperate with me or any one else. His students refused to attend his classes because of foul language directed at them and his constant anti-government comments. He was warned of his behavior.When I was made aware of issues I called this person and offered my help. He was very rude, used foul language and said he did not want my help As a director one of my roles is to work out issues and to help the foreign staff and I am very good at this.We have close to 60 foreign teachers here and many of these teachers have been here for many years. Recently I signed some teachers who are on their fourth, fifth, and sixth contracts.There is no problems with pay. If mistakes are made they are soon taken care of. At the start I did not want to hire this person but his former manager wanted to bring him on. He should thank her for suggesting housing for him..but I guess even in his mind this is a problem. Because of his behavior he was unable to complete is contracted hours but he was still paid.

Many times foreign teachers get the short end of the stick dealing with language schools here but there are cases such as this one where the foreigner is at fault. As for the statement that I sit in my "big office in Jiang Bei" hmm... I do not even have a desk there. We have seven branched in Chongqing and I spend my time every day going from campus to campus. The foreign teachers and the Chinese staff know that I am always available to help even when it is a teacher calling me at 1am because he has been involved in a fight and needs my help at the police station. I must say that at times I am tired of this job and would just like to go back to teaching. Reading the posts from this guy gives me that feeling now.

Messages In This Thread
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-11
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-11
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-12
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-14
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-16
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-17
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Timmy -- 2010-06-16
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Laowai -- 2010-06-17
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- disgusted -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- disgusted -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- On behalf of Disgusted -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- clcq -- 2010-12-16
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Paul -- 2010-06-11
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Noddy -- 2010-06-12
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-12
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: OWEN Foreign Language School

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