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englishgibson - 2010-06-12
In response to Re: OWEN Foreign Language School (Dave J)

Dave and I have, in fact, never met, and then he has never visited the unfortunate GAC center in Chongqing, when I was working there. Moreover, Dave has never been OFFICIALLY appointed as either my supervisor or a GAC-ACT employee during my employment there. However, Dave and I have spoken over the phone about three times, once, when he tried to "interview" me for the position serving as a "Directing Recruiter" for the unfortunate GAC center that in fact is owned by his employer, once, when I called him 5 months into my contractual agreement there, and then once when we had a disagreement over whether he should or should not provide me with the owner's contact which he refused to.
With regards to the mentioned "interview" that was meant to be for the job position according to Dave, it was an informal phone conversation in between him and me where he demonstrated little professional ability to hire a suitable candidate for the position at the GAC center there. Firstly, he seems to know little about the GAC center and its academic product and then he handles himself as a casual "chit chat pal" when handling a formal interview. Most importantly he sent a highly unprofessional contractual agreement to me via email which I had declined to sign. After I contacted the unfortunate manager in case, she sent me another version of a so called contract and she had this to say; "Ohh, don't worry Matt" "I agree that Dave's contract is unpro". "We have some issues with our office down in the city." I think that Dave had a hard time accepting the door that shut in front of his face before I came to Chongqing. The fact is that Dave had really nothing to do with my position there as the GAC center was a subscriber to another product than Dave sits on elsewhere. :)

Now, let me reply to some of Dave's words here below;

I do say that there may have been some issues with the GAC program
How would you know? What issues do you know anyway? And, why are you talking in past tense?
In one of his posts he says that we do not have a Foreign Director and in this last post he attacks me...the Foreign Director.
Isn't that correct that the GAC center does not have one? Or, have they just hired one? Have you ever visited them? With all due respect, do you really know where they are? Sorry, if you are so sensitive, I appologize for having attacked you either now or before. And, please would you bring my "attacks" on? I've believed my posts have been only a recap of a really crappy experience, but sorry if you don't see it that way.
...the person with the biggest problem is this poster. He has blamed his problems on every one else including fellow teachers. The GAC head office even says this this person has major issues
Yes, I am the person with the biggest problem as your inability to provide me with your employer's (the owner's) phone number whom I wanted to talk about the GAC center's issues that affected me so much. I had to resign and move with my family elsewhere. Too bad a day after my resignation and after my manager signed it, she made it all look like it was my fault completely. As for the GAC head office, I'd love to know which one you are talking about. The Shanghai's one, after I notified them, demanded the GAC Chongqing to stop giving so many retake exams to the student as it was against the standards. Mind you that happened a bit before I submitted my letter of resignation and my manager personally talked to me whether it was me who called the Shanghai's head office. But if you're talking about the US ACT headquarters, then I could provide you with a few lines from that manager in Iowa. Would you like that?
This teacher refused to cooperate with me or any one else.
When did we attempt to cooperate during my employment with the Chongqing's GAC center prior to my resignation there? Who is anyone else? Is it the GAC center's manager that sleeps on her table and allows her students to come frequently late to classes or is it the Indian Science teacher who 90 percent of his mornings showed up half an hour late too?
His students refused to attend his classes because of foul language directed at them and his constant anti-government comments. He was warned of his behavior.When I was made aware of issues I called this person and offered my help. He was very rude, used foul language and said he did not want my help As a director one of my roles is to work out issues and to help the foreign staff and I am very good at this.
First of all, I called you first to try and settle with the owner/employer and fix the serious issues somehow, but as you refused to cooperate I had to contact the American headquarters and ask them to speak to my manager about the owner's phone number. The rude one was, in my opinion you as you hung up on me..don't make up do want to keep your job, don't you?
As for the "revolution in my class", it came after I resigned in writting and after my manager (not you) decided to start covering her arse. Prior to my resignation, students got along with me, except a couple of them. Out of 9, it's not so bad, is it? We had some good time and we had a few good chats out of class or in class. On a field trip outside the classroom, we also chatted. In friendly chats you may use some informal language and away from the "class regulations". Right? Too bad I tried to force them to come on time and to stop using their lap tops for personal purpose during class. Too bad I demanded 100% attention and no plagiarism. When I gave it to them in writing and that they'd have to sign it for me to continue, they refused.

Now, who's the person with issues on here? Keep it coming.

I really didn't want this topic to go so far as this, but if one opens the door...

Cheers and beers

Messages In This Thread
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-11
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-11
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-12
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-14
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-16
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-17
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Timmy -- 2010-06-16
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Laowai -- 2010-06-17
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- disgusted -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Dave J -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- disgusted -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- On behalf of Disgusted -- 2010-06-13
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- clcq -- 2010-12-16
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Paul -- 2010-06-11
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- Noddy -- 2010-06-12
Re: OWEN Foreign Language School -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-12
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