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Brandon G. Neth - 2010-07-23
In response to Re: Lingdong school Foshan (Mariel Klauber)

Lingdong School in Foshan China, a 10 month mistake, a lifetime of regret!

My name is Brandon Neth, if you have any questions/other concerns feel free to contact me at
Also note, I was one of a group of four that had the same experience. This is not an isolated incident and I truly believe it will happen to each and every foreign teacher that steps foot through the door at this place.

After working for Lingdong school from September 1st 2009-July 5th 2010 (10 month contract), I truly regret accepting a position with this school. While writing this review I didn't know where to start. There were so many problems and issues that seemed to worsen as time progressed, I believe simply making a list is the best approach.

These are in no specific order:

You must pay a 4000-5000rmb deposit over your first 6 months with the company (I believe collecting this is illegal) which you are supposed to receive back on the last day of your contract. Then, when that day came, they wouldn't return mine!!
Upon completion of my contract, I DID NOT receive my bonus, flight reimbursement or "deposit" mentioned above. After speaking and meeting with the school, I was told repeatedly "it's not my problem" by the school's owner (through his translator) and was never paid. I was shocked that the school would deny me this money considering that I was NEVER late in my 10 months, I had perfect reviews from all my students and I never missed a class even when I was sick.
The management or lack there of is a JOKE!
The campuses are filthy!
The living conditions are a joke, they do NOT provide the type of accommodation outlined in your contract.
The "headmaster" (Brian Qin) speaks NO English and uses his 21 year old son (Nick Qin) to translate (sort of), whom has NO business sense and has a horrible attitude.
The campus managers (Angela and Margaret) are dishonest, incompetent, and dis-loyal to both the Foreign staff and the Chinese staff.
The school treats the Chinese staff horribly and constantly lies to them.
The contract literally means nothing, if you try to use it to verify something the school says it doesnt matter.
If you threaten to contact the police/an attorney the school will tell you to your face that they will "pay them off".

The list goes on and on, as mentioned above I am more than willing to give MANY more details to any one interested, however
Please, please, please stay away for your own good.

Messages In This Thread
Lingdong school Foshan -- Jason -- 2010-01-14
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-01-30
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- disapointed -- 2010-05-24
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-05-25
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- disapointed -- 2010-06-01
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-02
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- disapointed -- 2010-06-02
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- Angry Ex-teacher -- 2010-02-26
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- Mariel Klauber -- 2010-07-13
Lingdong School owes us money! Update -- Mariel Klauber -- 2010-07-28
Re: Lingdong School owes us money! Update -- Alain -- 2010-07-29
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- Brandon G. Neth -- 2010-07-23
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- englishgibson -- 2010-07-29
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- happygolucky -- 2010-01-31
Re: Lingdong school Foshan -- CSUWS -- 2010-01-30
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