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Utter Rubbish - 2010-08-16
In response to Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - TIANJIN (Anthony Condello)

I like this last comment and thought it was somewhat true - the others are not worth a response. Yes, I'm sure if you sign into a contract where your employer is relying on you because they must honour their contract with clients too and then decided that you want to back out, it will tarnish your relationship with that employer. That seems to be common sense and from my experience in the business world, in Canada, fighting with your employer will make your life difficult. Just focus on keeping relations strong by sticking to your word, working hard and your employer will often reciprocate this attitude. The content of internet posts tells a lot about a persons character because they feel they can vent their anger without any personal consequence (cowardly act and very different to real life).
Do not bother coming to China if you are not mature enough to honour your contract. If a year is too much, sign up for a four month, one term contract and avoid those pesky school holidays. I want to repeat that these companies are businesses not travel agencies funding your adventure to China. If your someone who is committed to fulfilling your obligations and work hard when you need to, teaching ESL in China is a great opportunity. If your someone just looking for something to do because you cannot find a job straight out of university, you should consider backpacking instead (from my experience - SE Asia and Europe are both very nice).

Anthony, you talk a load of rubbish it has to be said. Whilst there may be one or two people that decide the grass is greener elsewhere and wish to leave a company before finishing their contractual agreement, many only decide to leave a company like Yuming because of the fact they have been deceived.

Look at Yuming's website, for most, the starting point of any employment with them. It clearly states specific details about how long the holiday periods are when working for them, to quote their own website:

Regular holidays include National Day, during the first week of October and Labor Day which is the first week in May. Also there is an extended holiday for Chinese New Year and Summer Vacation, both lasting 4 to 6 weeks

This has even been revised at some point recently as the exact wording has most definitely changed, in fact the way it is worded now is even more deceiving that it was previously, as before, it said the summer and winter holidays were typically around 4 to 6 weeks, leaving it open somewhat. Now it specifically states 4 to 6 weeks period.

It is utter rubbish, the holidays are much much longer than what is stated. The holidays are in actual fact about 2 months around Chinese New Year, from December to February, and in the summer around 3 months, plus the national holidays and also any field trips or exam time the students have. All in all that is around 6 months unpaid out of a 12 month contract. Yuming know this very well and this has been the case since 2007 at least. Nearly every single teacher has fallen foul of this trap and ended up in the position of struggling to pay bills, rent and buy food. Why? Because for starters the website also states the following information:

Yu Ming complies with summer and winter vacations. During both breaks you have the option of either taking time off (unpaid) for travel or relaxation or you may choose to take part in the summer and winter language camps that Yu Ming offers and enjoy your normal hourly pay. The choice is yours!

Yuming do not, I repeat NOT, run any language camps. I have never spoken to a single teacher that was able to "enjoy their normal hourly pay" during the holidays. They have been able to offer the occasional class in a school that required a teacher but this is a farcry from enjoying your normal hourly pay. Teachers are left with a simple choice:

1- Go Home
2- Take on some part time or private teaching during the holiday period to make up for it to pay their rent and bills.

If Yuming were just a little bit more honest and upfront about the situation during the holidays, and did not insist that teachers are not allowed to take on any part time work then they might be considered to be a better company and more people would be happy to stay there.

On top of that, they act immaturely and childishly when someone informs them, even at the very end of their contract that they wish to leave to work elsewhere, as well as doing the same thing if a teacher is found out for working during the holidays. In nearly every instance, Yuming have visited the PSB and cancelled the teachers residency permit and do not inform the teacher about the action they have taken. The result of this is that teachers are left in China on an illegal stay, and if caught by the authorities will be fined and deported with no chance of returning as they now have a strike against them with the security bureau.

Another thing that Yuming do, and I am not clear as to exactly why, is that upon receipt of the FEC (foreign experts certificate) they hold on to it themselves and never give it to the teacher. For those unsure what this is, or if you ar working at Yuming and have never seen it, it is a small passport type looking black book with a golden Chinese crest on the front of it.

This FEC is required to be carried by any foreigner that is working in China at all times, it is your identity and proves not only that you are who you say you are, but additionally that you are here for the right reasons and on the correct visa. This information was given to me officially by the PSB themselves in Tianjin. Considering that the head office, so to speak, for the PSB in China is in Tianjin, I can safely say that this information is correct.

My opinion on Yuming holding this book is that they have a much easier job of cancelling your residency permit if in possession of your FEC. I think if you have it, then there is not a great deal they can actually do without your input. The PSB would contact you and inform you they need to see you about the matter, and obviously you would protest and tell the PSB that your intention is to transfer, not cancel, your residency, work permit and FEC to a new company, at which time they would inform Yuming they had to complete another document.

When Yuming are done with you, or you with them, they do not want you in China any longer and do not want you being able to come back if possible - QED

Another aspect of life with Yuming is the fact that very few teachers ever get the chance to meet each other. Unless there are two or more teachers working within the same school, you happen to have been put in the same residential area or happen to bump into someone arriving or leaving the office on Pouku Dao there will be little or no opportunity so their statement about having a strong teaching team is also rubbish. How can you have a strong team when noone ever meets each other.

This again is intentional as the more isolated you are, the less likely you are to discuss your difficulties and actually take any action against them.

It seems that everyone forgets that they are running a business, and a business is run for profit (just like any Western world corporation) and not provide foreign visitors to China with their every want and desire.

True, but then any company worth its salt, here or in the west also follows a code of conduct both personally and that set out by the government. Plus it is not about everything someone wants and desires, it is about giving people what they have been promised you ignorant fool, I have seen no posts from anyone where they had stated that they expected far more than was promised and have taken their bat and ball home because of it. I am a fair person and if I saw a post like that, even directed at Yuming I would be the first one to slag said person off for being unrealistic.

I believe that many foreigners come here with unrealistic expectations and for the wrong reasons.

Some do, that's true. But when a company promises and advertises "XYZ" and upon working for them you do not get that......... If you think that is realistic, acceptable and moral behaviour Anthony then you are one hell of a sucker my mate. And lets also not forget the fact that some of us Anthony, have lived and worked in China a lot longer than you have. I have been here for 5 years and many others I know even longer, don't come waltzing in trying to tell everyone how things are or what its all about, you know nothing.

Personally I get the impression that you fall into one of the following categories:

1- You are a green newbie teacher that wants to please their new employer and has been asked by Helen or Amy to try and quash any negative press that is spilling onto the internet.

2- You are a devious and selfish person that is out for whatever he can get and has no respect for Yuming at all, or any FT's and has simply done this to look good for now and may even have been paid a bonus for doing so.

3- You are in fact Chinese, particularly good at English and have been instructed to do this by your new employer. If you are, I suggest you find a new job, your English is particularly good for someone Chinese and could easily get a much better and higher paid job.

4- This is in fact Helen and Amy's work that they have taken to a translator and paid them to turn into a grammatically correct statement.

Which ever it is, it matters not. Everyone knows about Yuming, at least those already living and working here and the longer they treat people like dirt the harder and harder it will get to employ new teachers.

You can post up all the fake reviews you like, post up fake and empty legal threats as many times as you like, it changes nothing. You set things in motion by screwing people over who came to work for you with good intentions. You have done it so many times and continue to this day to follow the same path. Instead of having a tantrum like a naughty scolded child, perhaps you should take heed of your actions and clean up your act.

Go to HELL Yuming, and Anthony too, if you even exist, which I doubt.

Messages In This Thread
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - TIANJIN -- Anthony Condello -- 2010-04-06
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - TIANJIN -- Utter Rubbish -- 2010-08-16
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - TIANJIN -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-07
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - TIANJIN -- saucer -- 2010-05-10
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